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LISTA DE PERIÓDICOS ndash ISA 1 DEZEMBRO 2014 Avanços em Biologia Humana (Adv hum Biol) 2013 3 (1,2) Avanços em Ciências da Vida (Adv Life Sci) 2013 2 (2) Investigação Agrícola e Biológica (Agric biol Res) 2013 29 ( 2) Revisões Agrícolas (Agric Rev) 2014 35 (1) Al Ameen Revista de Ciências Médicas (Al Ameen J med Sci) 2014 7 (1) Animal Science Reporter (Anim Sci Reptr) 2014 8 (2) Anais da Academia Indiana Neurologia ( Ann Indian Acad Neurol 2014 17 (1) Annals of Neurosciences (Ann Neurosci) 2013 20 (3) Allans de Ciências Fitossanitárias (Ann Pl Prot Sci) 2013 21 (2) Anais de Pesquisa de Plantas e Solos (Ann Pl Soil Res) 2013 15 (2) Diário de Bengala de Psiquiatria (Bengala J Psychiat) 2013 18 (1-2) Jornal Cashew amp Cocoa (Caju Cacau J) 2014 3 (1) Horticultura Atual (Curr Hort) 2013 1 (1) Ciência Atual (Curr Sci) 2014 106 (5,8,10) Revista Delhi Psychiatry (Delhi Psychiat J) 2014 17 (1) Jornal do Extremo Oriente de Ciências Matemáticas (Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci) 2013 75 (2), 76 (2), 78 ( 2) Radicais Livres e Antioxidantes ts (Antioxidante dos Radicais Livres) 2014 4 (1) Revista de Intervenções em Saúde (Hlthcare Intervent J) 2013 1, 2014 2 Revista de Pesquisa em IETE (IETE J Res) 2013 59 (2) Revista Indiana de Medicina Forense e Toxicologia (Internet Indiana J Forense Toxicol) 2013 11 (3-4) Indian Journal of Arecanut Especiarias e Plantas Medicinais (Indian J Arecanut Especiarias com Pl) 2013 15 (3,4) Jornal Indiano de Doenças Torácicas e Ciências Afins (Indiano J Chest Dis Allied Sci) 2013 55 (1) Jornal Indiano de Finanças (Indian J Finance) 2014 8 (5) Jornal Indiano de Saúde Materna e Infantil (Indian J maternal child Hlth) 2013 15 (1) Jornal Indiano de Oftalmologia (Indian J Ophthal) 2014 62 ( 1) Jornal Indiano de Cuidados Paliativos (Cuidados paliativos Indian J) 2014 18 (3) Jornal Indiano de Práticas de Farmácia (Indian J Pharm Pract) 2013 6 (1) Jornal Indiano de Física (Indian J Phys) 2013 81 (6) Indian Journal de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (Indian J pure appl Math) 2014 45 (2) Revista Indígena de Conservação do Solo (Indian J Soil C onserv) 2013 41 (1) Revista Indígena de Pesquisa em Veterinária e Zootecnia (Jornais Indianos Anim Sci Res) 2014 43 (1) Diário Médico Indiano (Indian med Gaz) 2013 147 (8), 2014 148 (1) Indian Welding Journal (Indian Weld J) 2014 47 (1) Revista Internacional de Ciências Agrárias (Int J agric Sci) 2014 10 (1) Revista Internacional de Engenharia Civil e Estrutural (Int J civ struct Engng) 2013 4 (2) International Journal of Pure and Ciências e Tecnologia Aplicadas (Int J pure e appl Sci Technol) 2013 19 (2) Invertis Journal de Energia Renovável (Invertis J energias renováveis) 2014 4 (1) Jornal de Anestesiologia e Farmacologia Clínica (J Anaesth clin Pharmac) 2014 30 (1) ) Revista de Ciências Químicas (J chem Sci) 2013 125 (5) Revista de Pesquisa Clínica e Científica (J clin scient Res) 2014 3 (2) Revista de Pesquisa Entomológica (J Ent Res) 2014 38 (1) Journal of Institution of Engenheiros (Índia): Série B (Inst. Id. B: Ser B) 2014 94 (4) Revista de Pesquisa em Educação Médica e Ética ( J Resmed Educ Ethics) 2013 3 (3) Journal of Soils and Crops (Cultivo de solo J) 2014 24 (1) Journal of Vector Borne Diseases (J Vector Borne Dis) 2014 51 (1) Revista de Ciências Agrárias de Karnataka (Karnataka J agric Sci) 2013 26 (1) Revista Dental Kerala (Kerala dent J) 2014 37 (1) Pesquisa em Leguminosas (Res. Leguminosas) 2014 37 (1) MAPAN (MAPAN) 2014 29 (1) Pesquisa em Culturas (Res Crop) 2014 15 (1) Sugar Tech (Sugar Tech) 2012 14 (2) UP Revista de Otorrinolaringologia Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço (UP J Otolar Cabeça Pescoço Surg) 2013 1 (1) Água e Energia Internacional (Wat Energy int) 2013 70 (10) INFORMAÇÃO CIÊNCIAS SCIENTOMETRICS 023223 GANGAN PRATHAP (CSIR-Instituto Nacional de Ciência Interdisciplinar e Tecnologia, Thiruvananthapuram-695 019). Queda na indias em pesquisa de mecânica computacional. Curr Sci 2014, 106 (8), 1110-20. 023224 KOZAK M, IEFREMOVA O, STOPA M, HARTLEY J (Métodos Quantiativ em Dep de Economia, Tecnologia da Informação e Gestão em Rzeszow Univ, Sucharskiego 2, 35-225 Rzeszow, Polônia, E-Mail. Nyggusgmail). Economia indiana e publicação acadêmica indiana: há espaço para a ciência atual. Curr Sci 2014, 106 (5), 681-4. 023225 RATH S, NATHANI A, PATEL D, KULKARNI P, GOTA V (Departamento de Farmacologia Clínica, Centro Avançado de Tratamento, Pesquisa e Educação em Câncer, Navi Mumbai-410 210, E-Mail. Vgotaactrec. gov. in). Status da transferência de tecnologia na Índia - o remédio mágico tão necessário. Curr Sci 2014, 106 (8), 1058-60. 023226 SEN S, CHAKRABORTY R (Departamento de Farmácia, Assam Down Town, Univ, Panikhaiti, Guwahati-781 026, E-Mail. Saikat. pharmrediffmail). Biblioteca digital de conhecimento tradicional: uma abordagem distinta para proteger e promover o tesouro medicinal indiano indígena. Curr Sci 2014, 106 (10), 1340-3. CIÊNCIA E TECNOLOGIA DE INFORMÁTICA 023227 GUERRERO J, MEJIA-OSPINO E, CABANZO R (Grupo de Optica y Tratamiento de Senales, Escuela de Fisica y Escuela de Quimica, Univ. Santander, AA 678, Bucaramanga, Colombia, E-Mail. Jaderuis. edu. co). Monitorando o engrossamento de espuma usando um mouse óptico de computador como um sensor dinâmico de medição de speckle a laser. Indian J Phys 2013, 81 (6), 987-94. 023228 SULTAN T I, EMAM O E, ABOHANY A A (Departamento de Sistemas de Informação, Faculdade de Informática e Informação, Helwan Univ, P. O. Box 11795, Egipto, E-Mail. Emamoeyahoo). Abordagem difusa para resolver um problema de programação linear em larga escala de três níveis. Int J pure e appl Sci Technol 2013, 19 (2), 22-34. 023229 AHAMED N (IBS Hyderabad, Pesquisa No. 156/157, Donatnpally Village, Via: Kanaka Mamidi, Shankerpally Mandal, Distrito de Ranga Reddy-501 203, E-Mail. Naseemahamedibsindia. org). O status das práticas de governança diferencia os países no mercado forex? Indian J Finance 2014, 8 (5), 27-41. 023230 CHAWLA S, SHARMA P (Departamento de Administração de Empresas, D. A.V. Instituto de Engenharia e Tecnologia, Jalandhar, Punjab, E-Mail. Mimitrohitgmail). Abordagem macroeconômica dos fluxos de investimento estrangeiro na Índia. Indian J Finance 2014, 8 (5), 42-9. 023231 MALHOTRA R (Auro Univ, Espaço Terrestre, Estrada Hazira, Opp. ONGC, Surat-394 510, E-Mail. Rohit. malhotraaurouniversity. edu. in). Análise de carteiras de clima puro utilizando o VaR paramétrico, não paramétrico e condicional em relação ao capital de risco dos bancos. Indian J Finance 2014, 8 (5), 19-26. 023232 MARIA EVELYN JUCUNDA M, SOPHIA S (Escola de Negócios VIT, VIT (Campus de Chennai) Univ, Estrada Vandalur-Kelambakkam, Chennai-600 127, E-Mail. Maria. evelyn2012vit. ac). As aquisições agregam valor à aquisição na Índia de um estudo sobre a sensibilidade dos retornos do adquirente e do mercado de ações. Indian J Finance 2014, 8 (5), 5-18. 023233 THAWANI V, SINGH P (Fundação Médica Lata, Vasantnagar, Nagpur, Maharashtra, E-Mail. Priyankadec08gmail). Contornar o efeito de guilhotina dos direitos de propriedade intelectual. J Res med Educ Ethics 2013, 3 (3), 214-21. 023234 AGARWAL L, QURESHI A, KALIA V C, KAPLEY A, PUROHIT H J, SINGH R N (Divisão de Genômica Ambiental, CSIR - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa de Engenharia Ambiental, Nehru Marg, Nagpur-440 020, E-Mail. Hjpurohitneeri. res. in). Ecossistema árido: opção futura para sumidouros de carbono usando a inteligência da comunidade microbiana. Curr Sci 2014, 106 (10), 1357-63. 023235 AGARWAL R, AWASTHI A, S MITAL K, SINGH N, GUPTA P K (Univ Thapar, Patiala, E-Mail. Ravindereeedyahoo). Modelo estatístico para estudar os efeitos da queima de resíduos de culturas agrícolas em indivíduos saudáveis. MAPAN 2014, 29 (1), 57-65. 023236 AGNIHOTRI Y, GREWAL S S (Sociedade para Promoção e Conservação do Meio Ambiente (SPACE), 114, Sector 46 A, Chandigarh-160 047, E-Mail. Drgrewal0114yahoo). Economia da conservação de águas pluviais, desenvolvimento de terras residuais e melhoria da produção através da gestão de bacias hidrográficas: um estudo de caso nos ecossistemas da aldeia Gualda de Aravali. Indian J Soil Conserv 2013, 41 (1), 69-76. 023237 ALI S (Instituto de Treinamento de Ampola de Pesquisa de Conservação de Água de Ampère Central, Centro de Pesquisa, Kota-324 002, E-Mail. Shakirali2hotmail). Estimativa da temperatura da água superficial no pequeno lago de recarga a partir da temperatura do ar. Indian J Soil Conserv 2013, 41 (1), 1-7. 023238 GOGOI C, GOSWAMI D C (Departamento de Ciência Ambiental, Gauhati Univ, Guwahati-781 014, E-Mail. Chi9nmoyee. gogoigmail). Migração de canal do rio Subansiri em Assam usando sensoriamento remoto e tecnologia GIS. Curr Sci 2014, 106 (8), 1113-20. 023239 KHARSYNTIEW L S, BHAROSE R, SUSHIL KUMAR, THOMAS T (Dep. De Ciências do Solo e do Ambiente, Sam Higginbottom Instituto de Tecnologia e Ciências Agrárias, Allahabad, E-Mail. Thomasaaidugmail). Estudo analítico de nitrogênio-nitrato em vegetais de diferentes mercados de Allahabad. Int J agric Sci 2014, 10 (1), 474-6. 023240 SUN Q M, LIU T, HAN Z Q, LIU H F (Faculdade de Ciências da Vida, Shihezi Univ, Shihezi-830 000, Xinjiang, China, E-Mail. Betula126). Efeitos das mudanças climáticas na cobertura vegetal nas montanhas do norte de Tianshan usando múltiplas escalas de tempo. Res Crop 2014, 15 (1), 264-9. 023241 ABBO B, DANNA A, YOUSSOUF P, ALGUNS B (Mathematiques et Informatique Dep, Facults Sciences Exactes et Appliques, Ndjamena Univ, Chade, E-Mail. Bakariabboyahoo. fr). Extensão da nova abordagem iterativa do algoritmo de Adomian para equações diferenciais parciais (PDE) fortemente não-lineares com condições iniciais e de contorno. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 75 (2), 245-55. 023242 ALKHAL R (Matemática Dep, Faculdade de Ciências, Dammam Univ, P. O. Box 838, Dammam, Arábia Saudita, E-Mail. Ranaabhotmail). Certas classes de funções harmônicas meromórficas definidas pelo operador Dziok-Srivastava. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 75 (2), 233-44. 023243 ALSADHAN S A (Departamento de Ciências Matemáticas, Dammam Univ, Arábia Saudita, E-Mail. Saalsadhanud. edu. sa). Propriedades de inclusão de certas classes de funções meromórficas associadas ao operador wit cho-kwon-srivastava. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 76 (2), 307-17. 023244 AREEPONG Y, SUKPARUNGSE S (Estatística Aplicada Dep, Faculdade de Ciências Aplicadas, King Mongkuts Tecnologia North Bangkok Univ, 10800, Tailândia, E-Mail. Yupapornakmutnb. ac. th). Fórmulas de formulário fechado de comprimento médio de execução do gráfico de controle de média móvel para não-conformidade para processo inflacionado de zero. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 75 (2), 385-400. 023245 PADARIA A A (Matemática Dep, Faculdade de Ciências e Artes, King Abdulaziz Univ (KAU), P. O. Box 80200, Código 21589 Khulais Arábia Saudita, E-Mail. Awadbakeryyahoo). Nova classe de seqüência n-normada relacionada ao espaço da sequência orlicz. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 76 (2), 245-54. 023246 BARILLA D, CARISTIG, PUGLISI A (Dep de S. E.A. M., Universidade de Messina, Itália, E-Mail. Dbarillaunime. it). Em uma propriedade de preservação de estrelas meromórficas para um operador integral. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 78 (2), 271-8. 023247 BOYADZHIEV K N (Dept Matnica e Estatica, Ohio Northern Univ, Ada, OH 45810, E. U.A. E-Mail. K-boyadzhievonu. edu). Avaliação de uma série exótica tipo Furdui. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 75 (2), 359-67. 023248 CHANGPHAS T (Matemática Dep, Faculdade de Ciências, Khon Kaen Univ, Khon Kaen-40002, Tailândia, E-Mail. Thachakku. ac. th). Complete ideais em semigrupos ordenados. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 75 (2), 225-32. 023249 CHEN S, FANG C (Instituto de Matemática Aplicada, Universidade Chongqing de Correios e Telecomunicações, Chongqing 400065, P. R. China, E-Mail. Chenslcqupt. edu. cn). Um novo método extracorrente para desigualdade variacional de valor único. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 78 (2), 231-41. 023250 CHO Y U (Departamento de Matemática, Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de Silla, Pusan ​​617-736, Coréia, E-Mail. Yuchosilla. ac. kr). Na propriedade isomórfica em 915-próximo-anéis II. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 78 (2), 221-16. 023251 FARHANE L (Departamento de Matemática, Faculdade de Ciências de Monastir, 5019 Monastir, Tunísia, E-Mail. Lot. farhanefsm. rnu. tn). Na graduação da linha real com matrizes inteiras não negativas. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 78 (2), 279-90. 023252 FERNANDES C, RAMOS P, MEXIA J (ADM-Área Departamental de Materiatica, ISEL - Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Portugal. E-Mail. Cfernandesadm. isel. pt). Espigas e aninhamento de escadas - segregação e travessia. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 78 (2), 301-8. 023253 GAIMNAZAROV G, NARJIGITOV H, GAIMNAZAROV O G (Uni do Estado de Gulistan, Cidade de Gulistan, Usbequistão, E-Mail. Xusan1956inbox. uz). Algumas propriedades de funções associadas à derivada da ordem fracionária no espaço L p (-8734, 8734). Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 76 (2), 319-36. 023254 HASNI R, ZAINOL N N (Departamento de Matemática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Malásia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Terengganu Terengganu, Malásia, E-Mail. Hroslanumt. edu. my). Equivalência cromática de K4-homomorfos com perímetro 11. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 78 (2), 181-96. 023255 JAYAKUMAR T, KANAGARAJAN K, INDRAKUMAR S (Matemática Dep, Sri Ramakrishna Missão Vidyalaya Faculdade de Artes e Ciências, Coimbatore-641 020, E-Mail. Jayakumar. thippan68gmail). Solução numérica para sistemas híbridos fuzzy pelo método runge-kutta heun. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 76 (2), 205-22. 023256 JONG-KWANG Y, RHEE HJ (Departamento de Arte e Ciência Liberais, Chodang Univ, 419 sungnamri Muangun, Chonnam, Coréia). Subespaços espectrais algébricos e subespaços invariantes. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 75 (2), 319-36. 023257 KRAPEEDANG M, SAENGSURA K (Dep Matemática, Faculdade de Ciências, Mahasarakham Univ, Mahasarakham-44150, Tailândia, E-Mail. Kittisak. smsu. ac. th). Elementos idempotentes e regulares de substituições do tipo 964 (2). Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 75 (2), 345-57. 023258 KU C Y, WONG K B (Matemática Dep, National Singapore Univ, 117543, Cingapura, E-Mail. Matkcynus. edu. sg). Em cruzar cruzando famílias de conjuntos. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 75 (2), 295-300. 023259 KWON N (Dep de Matemática, Daegu University, Daegu 712-714, Coreia, E-Mail. Nkwondaegu. ac. kr). Nos radicais dos pares de interseções que surgem de representações de homologia. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 78 (2), 217-29. 023260 LEKKOKSUNG S (Departamento de Matemática, Faculdade de Engenharia, Rajamangala Technology Isan Univ, Campus Khon Kaen, Tailândia, E-Mail. Lekkoksungsomsakhotmail). Caracterizações de semigrupos regulares ordenados em termos de subconjuntos Q-difusos. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 76 (2), 273-90. 023261 C LI, XIE Z, GUO F (Matthem Dep, Sichuan Univ Agricultura, Yaan, Sichuan-625 014, P. R. China, E-Mail. Lichunhong200610sina). Na solução integral da equação integro-diferencial de volterra fracionária não local com o operador de hille-yosida. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 76 (2), 291-305. 023262 MAGESH N, PRAMEELA V (P. G. e Research Mathematics Dep, Faculdade de Artes do Governo (Homens), Krishnagiri-635 001, E-Mail. Nmagi2000yahoo. co. in). Outras propriedades em certas subclasses de funções meromorficamente estelares definidas pelo operador LIU-Srivastava. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 76 (2), 255-71. 023263 MAJEED A A, LYNCH P (Escola de Educação, Universidade de Adelaide, Level 8, Edifício Nexus 10 Pulteney Street Adelaide SA 5000, Austrália, E-Mail. Aysha. abdulmajeedadelaide. edu. au). Baixa realização em matemática - uma pesquisa. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 78 (2), 243-70. 023264 MATSUDA K (Departamento de Ciência de Engenharia, Faculdade Nacional de Tecnologia de Niihama, 7-1 Yagumo-chou, Niihama, Ehime, 792-8580, Japão, E-Mail. Matsudasci. niihama-nct. ac. jp). Somas mistas de quadrados e números triangulares. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013. 75 (2), 369-83. 023265 MUBARKI A M, EL-MAGHRABI A I (Departamento de Matemática, Faculdade de Ciências, Taibah Univ, E-Mail. Alimobarkihotmail). Generalização de conjuntos quase abertos em espaços topológicos. Int J pure e appl Sci Technol 2013, 19 (2), 35-47. 023266 NURDIN (Departamento de Matemática, Faculdade de Matemática e Ciências Naturais, Hasanuddin Univrsity, JI. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10 Tamalanrea Makassar, Indonésia, E-Mail. Nurdin1701gmail). A aresta total e a força de irregularidade do vértice da cobra nC 3. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 78 (2), 205-10. 023267 NZIMBI B M, POKHARIYAL G P, MONDAL S K (Escola de Matemática, Faculdade de Ciências Biológicas e Físicas, Nairobi Univ, P. O. Box 30197, Nairobi, Quênia, E-Mail. Nzimbiuonbi. ac. ke). Nota sobre a equivalência métrica de alguns operadores. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 75 (2), 301-18. 023268 PETCHARAT K, SUKPARUNGSEE S (Dep Estatística Aplicada, Faculdade de Ciências Aplicadas, King Mongkuts Universidade de Tecnologia do Norte Bsangkok, 10800 Bangkok, Tailândia, E-Mail. Yha99hotmail). Solução exata do comprimento médio de execução do gráfico ewma para processos MA (q). Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 78 (2), 291-300. 023269 PIRAMANANTHAM V (Matemática Dep, Bharathidasan Univ, Tiruchirappalli, E-Mail. Piramananthamyahoo. co. in). Critérios de oscilação do tipo Kamenev para equações dinâmicas neutras não-lineares emerald-fowler. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 76 (2), 337-54. 023270 ROBBINS N (Departamento de Matemática, San Drancisco State University, São Francisco, CA 94132, E. U.A., E-Mail. Nrobbinssfsu. edu). Na partidade do número de partições de n em partes de dois tamanhos distintos. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 78 (2), 197-203. 023271 RYOO C S (Departamento de Matemática, Hannam Univ, Daejeon-306 791, Coreia). Segundo tipo polynomials torcidos (h, q) - Euler. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 75 (2), 337-43. 023272 SAABAN A, MAN N H, KARIM S A A (UUM Faculdade de Artes e Ciências, Utara Malásia Univ, 06010 Sintok, Kedah, Malásia. E-Mail. Azizan. suum. edu. my). Interpolação de superfície usando equação diferencial parcial com positividade preservando a condição de contorno das curvas de Bezier cúbico. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 75 (2), 257-72. 023273 SATO I (Faculdade Nacional de Tecnologia de Oyama, Oyama, Tochigi 323-0606, Japão, E-Mail. Isatooyama-ct. ac. jp). Uma extensão do smilanskys formulato a digraph. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 78 (2), 157-80. 023274 SEKAR A, SESHAIAH C V, SENTHIL KUMAR D, MAHESWARI NAIK P (Departamento de Matemática, Faculdade de Engenharia Sri Ramakrishna, Vattamalaipalayam, Coimbatore-641 022, E-Mail. Sekar110gmail). Teorema do tipo de Weyl e espectro para operadores quasi-classe A. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 75 (2), 273-93. 023275 SONTAKKE B R, NAVLEKAR A A (Departamento de Matemática, Pratishthan Mahavidyalaya, Paithan, Dist. Aurangabad, Maharashtra, E-Mail. Brsontakkerediffmail). No problema termoelástico em estado estacionário para um disco anular fino. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 76 (2), 235-43. 023276 N SUBRAMANIANO, BABU R, THIRUNAVUKKARASU P (Departamento de Matemática, SASTRA Univ, Thanjavur-613 401, E-Mail. Nsmathsyahoo). Espaço de seqüência modular de f955. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 75 (2), 201-23. 023277 SZABO S, ZAVALNIJ B (Instituto de Matemática e Informática, Pecs Univ, Ifjusag u.6 7624, Pecs, Hungria, E-Mail. Sszabo7hotmail). Colorir as bordas de um gráfico direcionado. Indiano J puro appl Matemática 2014, 45 (2), 239-60. 023278 THAI T H, KHUONG V V (Matemática Dep, Hung Yen Tecnologia e Educação Univ, Província Hung Yen, Vietnã, E-Mail. Hongthai78gmail). Estabilidade assintótica global de um sistema de segunda ordem de equações de diferença. Indiano J puro appl Matemática 2014, 45 (2), 185-98. 023279 WIBOWO I L, WIDODO B (Matemática Dep, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya e Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Airlangga Surabaya Univ, Indonésia, E-Mail. Inulaksitowibowoyahoo). Simulação numérica no cálculo da sedimentação volumétrica nas confluências de dois rios. Extremo Oriente J mathl Sci 2013, 76 (2), 223-33. 023280 YAMALEEV R M (Instituto Conjunto de Pesquisa Nuclear, Laboratório de Tecnologias Informativas, Dubna, Rússia, E-Mail. Yamaleevjinr. ru). Soluções da equação de riccati-abel em termos de funções trigonométricas de terceira ordem. Indiano J puro appl Matemática 2014, 45 (2), 165-84. 023281 YOUSSEF N L, SOLEIMAN A, ELGENDI S G (Matemática Dep, Faculdade de Ciências Cairo Univ, Giza, Egito). Distribuições de nulidade associadas à conexão de cartes. Indiano J puro appl Matemática 2014, 45 (2), 213-38. 023282 ZHANG C, WANG K (Matemática Dep, Instituto Harbin de Technnology, Weihai-264 209, P. R. China). Integral dependente de parâmetro em escalas de tempo. Indiano J puro appl Matemática 2014, 45 (2), 139-63. 023283 ZHANG Z (Faculdade de Mudança Global e Ciência do Sistema Terrestre, Beijing Normal Univ, Pequim-100 875, China, E-Mail. Zhangzhbnu. edu. cn). Densidades médias de bandas de freqüência de wavelets. Indiano J puro appl Matemática 2014, 45 (2), 199-212. 023284 ARYA A S, KIRAN KUMAR (Centro de Aplicações Espaciais (ISRO), Ahmedabad-380 015, E-Mail. Aryaassac. isro. gov. in). Missão do orbital de Marte preparada para fotografar Marte: alguns resultados do experimento de imagens da Terra. Curr Sci 2014, 106 (5), 661. 023285 ARYAU, DAHIYA B, PRASADV (Dept. Físico e Astrofísico, Delhi Univ, Delhi-110 007, E-Mail. Urvashivarsheneygmail). Excitação rotacional não adiabática da molécula dipolar sob a influência de pulsos retardados. J Chem Sci 2013, 125 (5), 1213-21. 023286 CHOPRA K N (Dep. De Física Aplicada, Instituto de Tecnologia Maharaja, Rohini, GGSIP Univ, Rohini, Nova Delhi-110 086, E-Mail. Kchopra.2003gmail). Novas fontes de energia renováveis ​​não convencionais - uma breve nota analítica. Invertis J renewable Energy 2014, 4 (1), 57-61. 023287 DAS SHARMA S, RAMESH D S (Instituto de Pesquisa Geofísica Nacional CSIR, Uppal Road, Hyderabad-500 007, E-Mail. Sdassharmangri. res. in). Raman espalhando, ringwoodite terrestre e além. Curr Sci 2014, 106 (8), 1056-7. 023288 DE S, BATRA N, CHAKRABORTY S, PANJA S, SEN GUPTA A (Laboratório Nacional de Física CSIR, Dr. K Krishnan Marg, Nova Deli-110 012, E-Mail. Subhadeepmail. nplindia. org). Projeto de uma armadilha de íons para captura simples 171 Yb. Curr Sci 2014, 106 (10), 1348-52. 023289 DEOTA H N, CHAVDA N D, POTBHARE V (Dep. De Física Aplicada, Faculdade de Tecnologia e Engenharia, M. S. Baroda Univ, Vadodara-390 001, E-Mail. Ndchavda-apphymsubaroda. ac. in). Transição de forma da densidade de estados para o sistema bosônico. Indian J Phys 2013, 81 (6), 1045-9. 023290 DINESH KUMAR, VERMA V, BHATTI S, DHARAMVIR K (Física Dep, Univ Punjabi, Patiala-147 002, E-Mail. Dineshk2yahoo. co. in). Dispersões de fonon na folha de grafeno e nanotubos de carbono de parede simples. 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Ujjwal. lahagmail). Na fase de espalhamento núcleon-nucleon muda através da supersimetria e factorização. Indian J Phys 2013, 81 (6), 959-73. 023295 LEE J, SAKTHIVEL R (Escola de Matemática e Estatística Aplicada, Wollongong Univ, Wollongong, NSW 2522, Austrália, E-Mail. Krsakthivelyahoo). Abordagem direta para resolver problemas de evolução não-linear e de limite de dois pontos. Indian J Phys 2013, 81 (6), 893-909. 023296 MIRZAZADH M, ESLAMI M (Dep. De Ciências de Engenharia, Faculdade de Tecnologia e Engenharia, Leste de Guilan, Guilan Univ, Rudsar, Irã, E-Mail. Mirzazadehs2guilan. ac. ir). Soluções exatas para variantes não-lineares da equação de Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (n, n) usando o método de variável funcional. Indian J Phys 2013, 81 (6), 911-24. 023297 PATIL S U, YAWALE S S, YAWALE S P (Dep. De Física Aplicada, Govt. Faculdade de Engenharia, Chandrapur-442 403, E-Mail. Shishirupatelgmail). Estudo de condutividade de eletrólito de polímero sólido nanocompósito dopado com ZrO 2. 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Indian J Phys 2013, 81 (6), 95-1007. 023301 SOLAGUREN-BEASCOA FERNANDEZ M, ORTEGA LOPEZ V, SERRANO LOPEZ R (Escuela Politecnia Superior, Burgos Univ, Avda. De Cantabria s / n, 09006 Burgos, Espanha, E-Mail. Msolagurenubu. res). Na avaliação da incerteza para medições repetidas. MAPAN 2014, 29 (1), 19-28. 023302 TISTOMO A, ACHMADI A, RIFAI I A (KIM Centro de Pesquisas LIPI, Kompleks Puspiptek G 420, Serpong, Tangerang 15314, Indonésia, E-Mail. Arfansindhuyahoo). Caracterização do padrão de umidade relativa do KIM LIPI. MAPAN 2014, 29 (1), 51-5. 023303 VERMA M K, KARAK B B, ROHIT KUMAR (Física Dep, Instituto Indiano de Tecnologia, Kanpur-208 016, E-Mail. Rohitkriitk. ac. in). Dínamo em protoestrelas. Indian J Phys 2013. 81 (6), 1037-43. 023304 YANG JH, SANJUAN M A F, XIANG W, ZHU Z (Escola de Engenharia Mecânica e Elétrica, China Mineração e Tecnologia da Univ, Xuzhou-221 116, República Popular da China, E-Mail. Jianhuayangcumt. edu. cn). Bifurcação de forquilha e ressonância vibracional em um oscilador duffing de ordem fracionária. Indian J Phys 2013, 81 (6), 943-57. 023305 YOSH H (Grupo APA, Nível 19, Edifício HSBC, 580 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Austrália, E-Mail. Square17320508yahoo). Modelo estatístico para fissuração por corrosão sob tensão baseado na forma estendida da energia de Dirichlet. Indian J Phys 2013, 81 (6), 1009-19. 023306 ANURADHA S, VIJAYARAGHAVAN V R (Dep. Fsica Quica, Univ Madras, Campus Guindy, Chennai-600 025, E-Mail. Smradha73gmail). Oxidação de peróxido de hidrogênio por Ni III (ciclam) 3 em meio aquoso ácido. J chem Sci 2013, 125 (5), 1123-32. 023307 ARULSAMY A D (Grupo de Matéria Condensada, Divisão de Ciência Interdisciplinar, F-02-08 Ketumbar Hill, Jalan Ketumbar, 56100 Kuala Lumpur, Malásia, E-Mail. Sadwerdnagmail). Inserção de nucleotídeos iniciada pela interação de van der waals durante a replicação do DNA da polimerase beta. 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J Chem Sci 2013, 125 (5), 989-92. 023311 CHAKRABORTY B, LUITEL P (Laboratório de Química Orgânica, Sikkim Government College, Gangtok-737 102, E-Mail. Bhaskargtkyahoo). Síntese de alguns novos derivados fluoro-isoxazolidina e isoxazolina utilizando N-benzil-fluoro-nitrona via reação de cicloadição em líquido iônico. J Chem Sci 2013, 125 (5), 1071-7. 023312 DANDIA A, SINGH R, SAINI D (Dep. Química, Rajasthan Univ, Jaipur-302 004, E-Mail. Dranshudandiayahoo. co. in). Síntese de três componentes, mediada por líquido iônico, de derivados de espiro-tiazina fluorados e suas atividades antimicobacteriana e de clivagem de DNA. J Chem Sci 2013, 125 (5), 1045-53. 023313 DAS B C, PANDA A, SAHOO P K, JENA S, PADHI P (P. G. Chemistry Dep, Universidade de S. K.C. G. (Auto), Paralakhemundi, Gajapati-761 200, E-Mail. Bishnucharandasrediffmail). Efeito do cromo (VI) nas mudas de trigo e o papel dos agentes quelantes. Curr Sci 2014, 106 (10), 1387-93. 023314 EWAIS H A, ISMAIL I M I (Dep. 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Simulação de sistemas químicos: paralelização MPI e GPU de novos algoritmos SD. J chem Sci 2013, 125 (5), 1285-92. 023317 HEKMATSHOAR R, MOUSAVIZADEH F, RAHNAMAFAR R (Departamento de Química, Escola de Ciências, Alzahra Univ, Vanak, Teerã, Irã, E-Mail. Rhekmatusyahoo). Líquido iônico de Lewis ácido (cloreto de colina.3ZnCl2): um catalisador verde e reciclável para a síntese em um único recipiente de 4 - ((3-indolil) (aril) metil) - N, N-dimetilanilinas sob condições sem solvente. J chem Sci 2013, 125 (5), 1009-13. 023318 JIANG W, B XU, XIANG Z, HUANG S, LIU F, WANG Y (Escola de Engenharia Química e Farmacêutica, Sichuan Univ de Ciência e Engenharia, Zigong 643000, China). Atividade hidrolítica de complexos de Cu (II) binucleares 956-alcóxido / comutado em ponte de acetato em relação ao éster de ácido carboxílico. J Chem Sci 2013, 125 (5), 1145-9. 023319 KANDEEL M M, ROSHDY S M, ABDELALL E K A, ABDELGAWAD M A, LAMIE P F (Dep. 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Patelmanish1069yahoo). Efficient synthesis of 3-indolyl substituted pyrido 1,2-abenzimidazoles as potential antimicrobial and antioxidant agents . J chem Sci 2013, 125(5), 993-1001. 023323 KAVITA DEVI, ASMAT Y, AGRAWAL M, SHARMA S, DWIVEDI J (Chemistry Dep, Banasthali Univ, Banasthali-304 022, E-Mail. swapnilsharma1978gmail). Synthesis and evaluation of some novel precursors of oxazolidinone analogues of chloroquinoline for their antimicrobial and cytotoxic potential . J chem Sci 2013, 125(5), 1093-1101. 023324 KENY S J, KUMBHAR A G, SANJUKTA A, PANDEY S, RAMANATHAN S, VENKATESWARAN G (Water and Steam Chemistry Div, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai-400 085). Antimony sorption and removal on carbon steel/magnetite surfaces in relation to pressurized heavy water reactors . Curr Sci 2014, 106(8), 1094-110. 023325 KULKARNI B S, MISHRA D, PAL S (Physical Chemistry Division, CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune-411 008, E-Mail. s. palncl. res. in). Role of substituents on the reactivity and electron density profile of diimine ligands: a density functional theory based study . J chem Sci 2013, 125(5), 1247-58. 023326 MAHALINGAM M, MOHAN P S, GAYATHRI K, GOMATHI R, SUBHAPRIYA P (Chemistry Dep, Bharathiar Univ, Coimbatore-641 046, E-Mail. malathichemgmail). Photo-induced antimicrobial and DNA cleavage studies of indoloquinolines and 1,8-naphtharidine . J chem Sci 2013, 125(5), 1015-27. 023327 MOBINIKHALEDI A, AMIRI A K (Chemistry Dep, Faculty of Science, Arak Univ, P. O. Box 14335-186, Arak, Iran, E-Mail. a-mobinikhalediaraku. ac. ir). TMSCI-catalysed condensation of 945-diketone compounds with urea/thiourea derivatives under solvent-free conditions . J chem Sci 2013, 125(5), 1055-62. 023328 NIGOVIC B, JURIC S, MORNAR A, MALENICA I (Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Zagreb Univ, A Kovacica 1, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, E-Mail. bnigovicpharma. hr). Electrochemical studies of ropinirole, an anti-parkinsons disease drug . 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Chemical studies on press mud: a sugar industries waste in Bangladesh . Sugar Tech 2012, 14(2), 109-18. 023338 SEIF A, BAGHERZADEH R, GOODARZI M, AZIZI K ( Chemistry Dep, Faculty of Science, Kurdistan Univ, Sanandaj, Iran, E-Mail. abdolvahabseifgmail). Ab initio study of 1:1 complexes of nitrogen trifluoride with nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide in vacuao . J chem Sci 2013, 125(5), 1277-84. 023339 SINGH O M, RONIBALA DEVI L, DAS N (Chemistry Dep, Manipur Univ, Canchipur-795 003, E-Mail. okmukherjeeyahoo. co. in). Synthesis of 2,6-diaminopyridine substituted 945-oxoketene S, N-acetals: crystal structure and hydrogen bonding interactions . J chem Sci 2013, 125(5), 1103-7. 023340 SOBHANI S, PAKDIN-PARIZI Z, NASSERI R (Chemistry Dep, College of Sciences, Birjand Univ, Birjand 414, Iran, E-Mail. ssobhanibirjand. ac. ir). Nano n-propylsulphonated 947-Fe 2 O 3 . a novel magnetically recyclable heterogeneous catalyst for the efficient synthesis of bis(pyrazolyl) methances in water . 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Metal complexes of diamines, (part III), electrochemical studies of copper (II) complexes of tetraethylethylenediamine at various pH values . Int J pure and appl Sci Technol 2013, 19(2), 1-5. 023345 ZHANG G, LIU Z, ZHANG L, JING L, SHI K (Key Laboratory of Functional Inorganic Material Chemistry, Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Material Chemistry, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Heilongjiang Univ, Harbin 150080, Peoples Republic of China, E-Mail. shikeying2008yahoo. cn). Growth and characterization of BCN nanotubes with high boron and nitrogen content . J chem Sci 2013, 125(5), 1169-76. 023346 ZOU J, YIN S, WU D, GUO M, XU X, GAO H, LI L, CHE L (Physics Dep, Dalian Maritime Univ, Dalian 116026, China, E-Mail. yinshdlmu. edu. cn). Quasi-classical trajectory study of the reaction H HS on a new ab initio potential energy surface H 2 S ( 3 A) . J chem Sci 2013, 125(5), 1237-45. GEOLOGY. METEOROLOGY. 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Comparative evaluation of nearest neighbor and neural networks approach to estimate soil water retention at field capacity and permanent wilting point . Indian J Soil Conserv 2013, 41(1), 25-9. 023356 SHARMA A K, NADE D P, NIKTE S S, GHODPAGE R N, PATIL P T, ROKADE M V, VHATKAR R S, GURUBARAN S (Earth and Space Science Laboratory, Physics Dep, Shivaji Univ, Kolhapur-416 004, E-Mail. dada. nadegmail). Development of fast image analysis technique for all-sky images . Curr Sci 2014, 106(8), 1085-93. 023357 SHIBU K K, AJITKUMAR K G (PG Studies and Research in Botany Dep, Mahatma Gandhi College, Thiruvanthapuram-4, E-Mail. ajitanchalgmail). Physico-chemical analysis of water quality parameters in Aruvikkara reservoir, Thiruvananthapuram district . Adv Life Sci 2013, 2(2), 67-9. 023358 SINGH J, YADAV R R (Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, 33 General Mahadeo Singh Road, Dehra Dun-248 001, E-Mail. jayendrasinghwihg. res. in). Chir pine ring-width thermometry in Western Himalaya, India . 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Free Radical Antioxidant 2014, 4(1), 67-9. 023365 BALACHANDRAN C, SUBASH CHANDRAN M D, RAMACHANDRA T V (Energy and Wetlands Research Group, Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560 012, E-Mail. cestvrces. iisc. ernet. in). Keystone food resources for honey bees in South Indian west coast during monsoon . Curr Sci 2014, 106(10). 1379-86. 023366 CHAKRABORTY R, BOSE K (Anthropology Dep, Dinabandhu Mahavidyalaya, Bongaon, North 24 Parganas-743 235, E-Mail. rajanth2003yahoo. co. uk). Defining malnutrition in India: how much is too little, how much is too much . Curr Sci 2014, 106(5), 670-2. 023367 MAGALHAES F S, CASSIANO D S A, BRANCO C R C, SILVA T R S, LINS A C S, SILVA T M S, BRANCO A (Laboratory of Phytochemistry, Health Dep, State University of Feira de Santana, Campus Universitario, Av Transnordestina, 44036-900 Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil, E-Mail. brancouefs. tr). Antioxidant Activity and Phenolics Analysis by HPLC-DAD of Solanum thomasiifolium Sendtner (Solanaceae) . Free Radical Antioxidant 2014, 4(1), 15-23. 023368 RAHMAN M A, KRISHNASASTRY M V (National Centre for Cell Science, Pune Campus Univ, Ganeshkhind Road, Pune-411 007, E-Mail. mvksnccs. res. in). Hemolytic activity of mycobacterial TlyA (Rv1694) is independent of its rRNA methylation activity . Curr Sci 2014, 106(5), 725-9. 023369 SAIRA B (Medical Mycology Research amp Reference Laboratory, Jinnah Women Univ, Karachi-74600, E-Mail. saira4286yahoo). Candida albicans pathogenesis . Adv Life Sci 2013, 2(2), 9-11. 023370 SAVOIU G (Pitesti Univ, Faculty of Economics, Pitesti-110 040, 1, Targu din Vale Street, Arges, Romania, E-Mail. gsavoiuyahoo). Impact of inter-, trans - and multidisciplinarity on modern taxonomy of sciences . 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Possibilities of development of red rot resistance in sugarcane through somaclonal variation . Sugar Tech 2012, 14(2), 192-4. 023389 PRAKASH V (JSS-MVP, JSS Techincal Institutions Campus, Mysore-570 006, E-Mail. prakashvishgmail). Traditional knowledge, wisdom and ayurceuticals interfacing with modern science-a boon for a healthy India tomorrow . Curr Sci 2014. 106(5), 647-8. 023390 SINGH P M, GUPTA S, GAZALARIZVI (Botany Dep, Institute of Basic Science, Bundelkhand Univ, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh-284 128, E-Mail. sumi786guptagmail). Estimation of carotenoid content from eucalyptus leaves . Adv Life Sci 2013, 2(2), 75-6. 023391 SINGH R, BHUMESHKUMAR, RATHORE M, SHARMA A R ( Directorate of Weed Science Research, Jabalpur-482 004, E-Mail. singhraghu75gmail). Evaluation of herbicide resistance in different biotypes of Phalaris minor . Curr Sci 2014, 106(8), 1052. 023392 ABOU E E A A (Zoology Dep, Faculty of Science, Fayoum Univ, Egypt). Potential of certain plant volatile oils and chemicals against lesser wax moth, Acheroia gresilla L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) . J Ent Res 2014, 38(1), 31-4. 023393 AMEKO E, ACHIO S, ALHASSAN S, SACKEY D M, DANFUL L E (Science Laboratory Technology Dep, Accra Polytechnic, Box 561, Accra, Ghana, E-Mail. edmundamekoyahoo). Room temperature plastination of whole and dissected guinea pigs in Ghana . Int J pure and appl Sci Technol 2013, 19(2), 66-75. 023394 CHANDRASEKARAN S, SARASWATHY K, SARAVANAN S, KAMALADHASAN N, ARUNNAGENDRAN N (Plant Sciences Dep, School of Biological Sciences, Madurai Kamaraj Univ, Madurai-625 021, E-Mail. krishnanascyahoo. co. in). Impact of Prosopis juliflora on nesting success of breeding wetland birds at Vettangudi Bird Sanctuary, South India . Curr Sci 2014, 106(5), 676-8. 023395 CHARN KUMAR (A. S. College, Samrala Road, Khanna, Distt. Ludhiana-141 401, E-Mail. charnkumaryahoo). Status of genus Remelana moore (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) with taxonomic notes on its type-species from the Himalaya in India . J Ent Res 2014, 38(1), 75-8. 023396 DCUNHA P, GROVER NAIR V M (Applied Zoology Dep, Mangalore Univ, Mangalore-574 199, E-Mail. vijaymalanairyahoo). Ant fauna on the mangroves of Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts, Karnataka, India . J Ent Res 2014, 38(1), 59-66. 023397 JOHAL M S, RAWAL Y K, APNEET KAUR, AMANDEEP KAUR ( Laboratory of Fish and Fisheries, Zoology Dep, Panjab Univ, Chandigarh-160 014, E-Mail. johalms45gmail). Ultrastructure of the focus region of the regenerated cycloid scale of an exotic fish, Cyprinus carpio communis L. as a possible key to comprehensive understanding of populations . 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J Ent Res 2014, 38(1), 71-4. 023401 SHEELA PRASAD, ANDRIYAS N D, SHILPIKA PRASAD ( Zoology Dep, St. Johns College, Agra, Uttar Pradesh-282 002). Suppression of the population of Diacrisia obliqua Wlk. by chemosterilization . Ann Pl Soil Res 2013, 15(2), 101-4. 023402 SUNITHA K, PADMAVATHI P (Zoology amp Aquaculture Dep, Acharya Nagarjuna Univ, Nagarjunanagar-522 510, E-Mail. ksunitha. chinnigmail). Influence of probiotics on water quality and fish yield in fish ponds . Int J pure and appl Sci Technol 2013, 19(2), 48-60. 023403 TALWAR N (Zoology Dep, Panjab Univ, Chandigarh-160 014). Review of biology of genus Hypera (Hyperinae:Curculionidae:Coleoptera) . J Ent Res 2014, 38(1), 79-83. 023404 TIWARI R K (Zoology Dep, V. G.P. G. College Dibiyapur, Auraiya, E-Mail. rakeshtiwari78yahoo. in). Effect of plasma protein and blood glucose lavel in the responses of H. fossilis to the thermal streeses . 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Case study on material balance in batch level production of bio diesel from Jatropha curcas . Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 172-5. 023411 ARAVINDAN V, MUTHUKUMARAVEL S, GUNASEKARAN K ( School of Chemical and Biotechnology, SASTRA Univ, Thanjavur). Interaction affinity of delta and epsilon class glutathione-s-transferases (GSTs) to bind with DDT for detoxification and conferring resistance in Anopheles gambiae, a malaria vector . J Vector Borne Dis 2014, 51(1), 8-15. 023412 CHANDRA G, SHUKLA P S (G. B. Pant Agriculture and Technology Univ, CoFHA, Hill Campus, Ranichauri, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand). Effect of transplanting dates on seed yield and seed quality of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. Italica) . Adv Life Sci 2013, 2(2), 46-7. 023413 DALVI U S, CHAVAN U D, SHINDE M S, GADAKH S R ( Sorghum Improvement Project, MPKV, Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar-413 722, E-Mail. usdalvi2008gmail). Effect of staggered planting on stalk yield, sugar content and ethanol yield of sweet sorghum for increasing harvest window . Sugar Tech 2012, 14(2), 144-7. 023414 JAFFE W R (Innovaciones Alimentarias INNOVAL, Calle Paguey, Qta. Irazu, La Trinidad, Caracas, Venezuela, E-Mail. wjaffecantv. net). Health effects of non-centrifugal sugar (NCS) . Sugar Tech 2012, 14(2), 82-94. 023415 JAYANTHI M, SARIKA N, SUJATHA G, MATHUR R K, RAO C S, MANDAL P K (Floriculture and Landscaping Div, IARI, Pusa, New Delhi-110 012, E-Mail. jayman21gmail). Evaluation of SSRs (microsatellites) for detecting genetic variability in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) clone . Curr Hort 2013, 1(1), 3-6. 023416 MANCHANDA P, GOSAL S S (School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Punjab Agricultural Univ (PAU), Ludhiana-141 004, E-Mail. poojamanchandarocketmail). Effect of activated charcoal, carbon sources and gelling agents on direct somatic embryogenesis and regeneration in sugarcane via leaf roll segments . 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Protective effect of Ficus bengalensis L. extract against H 2 O 2 induced DNA damage and repair in neuroblastoma cells . Free Radical Antioxidant 2014, 4(1), 3-7. 023421 SABEEN H, ZARINA S (Biotechnology Dep, Maulana Azad College of Arts, Science and Commerce, DR Rafiq Zakaria Campus, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, E-Mail. Sirius01sabeengmail). Interaction of plants and nanoparticles . Adv Life Sci 2013, 2(2), 1-3. 023422 SHARMA B L, SINGH S P, SHARMA M L (Pesticide Chemistry Dep, G. S. Sugarcane Breeding and Research Institute, UP Council of Sugarcane Research, Seorahi, P. O. Tamkuhiraj, Kushinagar-274 407, E-Mail. Bls200yahoo. co. in). Bio-degradation of crop residues by Trichoderma species vis-a vis nutrient quality of the prepared compost . Sugar Tech 2012, 14(2), 174-80. 023423 SHENDE K, MISHRA A, GOTHALWAL R (Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Center Dep, Barkatullah Univ, Bhopal-462 026, E-Mail. kishor556hotmail). Codon usage variation in moderately thermophilic Kyrpidia tusciae (Bacillus tusciae) . Adv Life Sci 2013, 2(2), 21-7. 023424 VASUNDHARA M, THARA B S, RADHIKA B, GAYATHRI R A, KARTHIK Y P, PRIYANKA R, JAYARAM A: Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of hydroalcoholic extract of Morinda citrifolia L. fruits and leaves . Indian J Arecanut Spices med Pl 2013, 15(4), 24-31. 023425 WUROCHEKKE A U, USMAN S (Biochemisty Dep, Modibbo Adama Technology Univ, Yola, E-Mail. echekkeyahoo. co. uk). Biochemical effects on the liver and kidney of rats administered aqueous leaf extract of Guira senegalensis . Int J pure and appl Sci Technol 2013, 19(2), 61-5. MEDICAL SCIENCES. VETERINARY MEDICINE 023426. Can residents diagnose this condition on X-ray . Ann Indian Acad Neurol 2014, 17(1), 135-6. 023427 ABDALLAH C (Anesthesiology Dep, Childrens National Medical Center, The George Washington Univ Medical Center, 111 Michigan Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20010-2970, USA, E-Mail. cabdallacnmc. org). Considerations in perioperative assessment of valproic acid coagulopathy . J Anaesth clin Pharmac 2014, 30(1), 7-9. 023428 ACHARYA J, ACHARYA I (Bhaskar Medical College, Yenkapally Village, Moinabad, Hyderabad, E-Mail. gitucapricorngmail). HIV/AIDS transmission risk perceptions in pregnant women in a hospital setting . Indian J maternal child Hlth 2013, 15(1) 023429 AGARWAL A, GUPTA B K, AGARWAL S, BHAGOLIWAL A, PANDEY K (Room No. 39, New Married Hostel, L. L.R. Hospital, G. S.V. M. Medical College, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, E-Mail. bikramgupta03gmail). Life-threatening severe sepsis following stapled hemorrhoidopexy . J Anaesth clin Pharmac 2014, 30(1), 124-5. 023430 AGARWAL A, SINGH D K (Anesthesiology and Critical Care Dep, Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, Varanasi, E-Mail. drankit80gmail). Bronchoscopic topical steroid instillation in prevention of tracheal stenosis . 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Study of hypertension and obesity among the adult population in a rural area near NCT Delhi . Indian med Gaz 2013, 147(8), 296-301. 023464 BHAT M T, BASAPPAJI S M C, HEGDE H V, RAO R P ( Anaesthesiology Dep, SDM Medical College, Sattur, Dharwad-580 009, E-Mail. drmnb05gmail). Anesthetic management of a child with bardet-biedl syndrome undergoing post-auricular dermoid excision . J Anaesth clin Pharmac 2014, 30(1), 117-18. 023465 BHATE V M, CHAVAN N, KALSHETTI V, ADSUL M R, BOTHIKAR S T, WADILE R G, AHIRE K R, HASWANI N V (Microbiology Dep, ACPM Medical College, Dhule, Maharashtra, E-Mail. nilesh. chavan005gmail). Magnitude of vulvovaginal candidiasis in women referred to gynaecological OPD in rural hospital . J Res med Educ Ethics 2013, 3(3), 222-4. 023466 BHATIA M S (Psychiatry Dep, College of Medical Sciences amp G. T.B. Hospital Univ, Delhi Univ, Dilshad Garden, Delhi-110 095). Mental Health of mental health professionals-need to care . 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A study to determine significant titre-values of widal test in the diagnosis of enteric fever for a population of North Kerala, India . Al Ameen J med Sci 2014, 7(1), 72-7. 023475 BODAT S, GHATE M M (Community Medicine Dep, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed Univ, Medical College, Pune, E-Mail. suman2017gmail). Knowledge regarding PCPNDT act and their perception about sex ratio among doctors, Pune . Indian J maternal child Hlth 2013, 15(1) 023476 CHACKO T, PAULOSE SB, CHANDRAN A, GEORGE S M ( Orthodontics Dep, Mar Baselios Dental College, Kothamangalam, E-Mail. tojanchackogmail). Effect of orthodontic tooth movement on dental issues . Kerala dent J 2014, 37(1), 62-4. 023477 CHAKMA A K, ROY M, VARGHESE J (Dutta Tilla, 79 Tilla, Nandan Nagar Road, P. P. Kunjavin-799 006, E-Mail. docmukutyahoo. co. in). Dry eye - a clinical study in a hospital based population . 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Psychiatric morbidity among hypothyroid patients-a hospital based study . Delhi Psychiat J 2014, 17(1), 35-8. 023488 CHAUDHARY R K, NAVPREET KAUR, GUPTA P, SINGH B ( Forensic Medicine Dep, SGRDIMSAR, Amritsar, Punjab, E-Mail. crajeev16yahoo). Use of opium as a means of revenge/torture . Indian Internet J Forensic Med Toxicol 2013, 11(3-4), 102-4. 023489 CHAUDHARY S, JINDAL R, GIROTRA G, SALHOTRA R, RAUTELA R S, SETHI A K (A/2, 268 Second Floor, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110 063, E-Mail. rashmichabrayahoo). Is midazolam superior to triclofos and hydroxyzine as premedicant in children . J Anaesth clin Pharmac 2014, 30(1), 53-8. 023490 CHENG X, HUANG Y, ZHAO Q, GU E (218 Jixi Road, Shushan, Hefei, China, E-Mail. chxq1983163). Comparison of the effects of dexmedetomidine-ketamine and sevoflurane-sufentanil anesthesia in children with obstructive sleep apnea after uvulopalatopharyngoplasty: an observational study . 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Airway complication due to retropharyngeal spread of epidural abscess during prone position . J Anaesth clin Pharmac 2014, 30(1), 110-11. 023495 CHOUGULE P G (Surgery Dep, Incharge of Oncosurgery Unit, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Univ, Karad-415 539). Public cancer awareness with lectures and diagnostic camps the key to improve cancer survival in rural area . Al Ameen J med Sci 2014, 7(1), 1-2. 023496 DABIR S S, DAS D, NALLATHAMBI J, MANGALESH S, YADAV N K, SCHOUTEN J S A G (Narayana Nethralaya, Plot No 121/C, 1st R Block, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560 010, E-Mail. supriadgmail). Differential systemic gene expression profile in patients with diabetic macular edema: responders versus nonresponders to standard treatment . Indian J Ophthal 2014, 62(1), 66-73. 023497 DAS L, GUNINDRO N, GHOSH R, ROY M, DEBBARMA A ( Pharmacology Dep, Tripura Medical College and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Memorial Teaching Hospital, P. O. Hapania-799 014, E-Mail. doctorldasgmail). 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Providing anesthesia in a remote location for radiation oncology in an adult - problems and solutions . J Anaesth clin Pharmac 2014, 30(1), 114-16. 023527 GOWRINATH K (Pulmonary Medicine Dep, Narayana Medical College, Nellore-524 003, E-Mail. drkgowrinathyahoo). Treatment practices in pulmonary tuberculosis by private sector physicians of Meerut, Uttar Pradesh . Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2013, 55(1), 55. 023528 GOYAL S, TANDON P, AVASTHI K, JUNEJA M ( Obstetrics and Gynecology Dep, Christian Medical College amp Hospital, Ludhiana, E-Mail. goyalkaramviryahoo. co. in). Comparative study of single intramuscular injection 15-methyl-PGF 2945 and intravaginal misoprostol prior to manual vacuum aspiration in first trimester MTP . Indian J maternal child Hlth 2013, 15(1) 023529 GREWAL H, SHARMA H, RAJPAL, BHATIA M S, CHOUDHARY R (Dentistry Dep, College of Medical Sciences amp GTB Hospital Univ, Dilshad Garden, Delhi-110 095, E-Mail. hrprtgrwlgmail). Oral health of non-institutionalized psychiatric patients: a dentist perception . Delhi Psychiat J 2014, 17(1), 44-7. 023530 GULANI A C (Gulani Vision Institute, 8075 Gate Parkway (W), Suite 102, Jacksonville, Florida 32216, USA, E-Mail. gulanivisiongulani). Corneoplastique TM. art of vision surgery . Indian J Ophthal 2014, 62(1), 3-11. 023531 GUPTA A, MAHAJAN S (Biochemistry Dep, Chintpurni Medical College and Hospital, Bungal, Pathankot, Punjab, E-Mail. drartigupta80gmail). Effect of antiepileptic drugs on serum calcium level in patients of epilepsy . J Res med Educ Ethics 2013. 3(3), 243-6. 023532 GUPTA A, SAHA U (438, Pocket A, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi-110 076, E-Mail. dranjugupta2009rediffmail). Spinal anesthesia in children . J Anaesth clin Pharmac 2014, 30(1), 10-8. 023533 GUPTA D, AMHAZ H, MAZUMDAR A, SOSKIN V ( Anesthesiology Dep, Wayne State Univ, School of Medicine, Box No. 162, 3990 John R, Detroit, MI 48201, USA, E-Mail. vsoskinmed. wayne. edu). 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Effect of intraoperative dexmedetomidine infusion on sevoflurane requirement and blood glucose levels during entropy-guided general anesthesia . J Anaesth clin Pharmac 2014, 30(1), 25-30. 023544 HASSAN M, KHAN W (Psychology Dep, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, E-Mail. sunsaif2007yahoo. co. in). Trichotillomania, self injurious behaviour: a case study of mental retarded child . Delhi Psychiat J 2014, 17(1), 185-7. 023545 HEGDE S K B, GOUD R B, ASHWINI G S, SULEKHA T ( Community Medicine Dep, SRM Medical College SRM Univ, Kattankulathur, Kanchipuram District, Tamilnadu, E-Mail. hegde. shailendragmail). Woman from an urban underprivileged area conducting her own delivery . Indian J maternal child Hlth 2013, 15(1) 023546 HUSSAIN M, SHARMA S R, RUPSI M (Neigrihms, Shillong-18, E-Mail. masarafhussainyahoo. co. in). Peripheral symmetrical gangrene in meningitis . 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Mycotic aneurysms of the intracranial and peripheral circulation: a rare complication of bacterial endocarditis . Ann Indian Acad Neurol 2014, 17(1), 82-4. 023551 JAIN R, VANSH S (Moolchand Hospital, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, E-Mail. drjainrajivyahoo. co. in). Rare case of giant lipoma of oropharynx . UP J Otolar Head Neck Surg 2013, 1(1). 32-4. 023552 JAJU P B, BHAVI S (Obstetrics and Gynecology Dep, B. L.D. E Univ, Shri B M Patil Medical College Hospital and Research Cnter, Bijapur-586 103, E-Mail. p. b.jajugmail). Dilemmas in the management of foetal hydrocephalus . Indian J maternal child Hlth 2013, 15(1) 023553 JASWINDER KAUR, BHATIA M S, RATHI A (Psychiary Dep, UCMS amp GTB Hospital, Dilshad Garden, Delhi-110 095, E-Mail. drjaswinder2006yahoo). Guanfacine extended release for ADHD . Delhi Psychiat J 2014, 17(1), 152-3. 023554 JASWINDER KAUR, GARNAWAT D, BHATIA M S ( Physiotherapy Dep, Dr. R. M.L. PGIMER amp Hospital, New Delhi, E-Mail. linktojkyahoo). Rehabilitation for alcohol abuse . Delhi Psychiat J 2014, 17(1), 130-3. 023555 JASWINDER KAUR, SIDHU B S, SIBIA R S, BALDEEP KAUR (Psychiatry Dep, Government Medical College, Rajindra Hospital, Patiala, E-Mail. drjaswinder2006yahoo). Prevalence of mild cognitive impairment among hospital patients aged 65 and above . Delhi Psychiat J 2014, 17(1), 60-4. 023556 JAYACHANDRAN S, BALAJI N (Oral Medicine and Radiology Dep, Tamilnadu Government Dental College and Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, E-Mail. drnarasimbalajirediffmail). Evaluating the effectiveness of topical application of natural honey and benzydamine hydrochloride in the management of radiation mucositis . Indian J palliative care 2014, 18(3), 190-5. 023557 JAYALAKSHMI S, PANIGRAHI M, REDDY R, SOMAYAJULA S (Neurology Dep, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, 1-8-31/1, Minister Road, Secunderabad-500 003, E-Mail. sitajshotmail). 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Substance use pattern and types of crime committed by juveniles attending the out patients department in a tertiary care hospital in Northern India . Delhi Psychiat J 2014, 17(1), 79-82. 023571 KHOSLA D, PATEL F D, SHARMA S C (Radiotherapy and Oncology Dep, Regional Cancer Centre, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, E-Mail. firuzapatelgmail). Palliative care in India: current progress and future needs . Indian J palliative care 2014, 18(3), 149-54. 023572 KONDARAPPASSERY S B, VADAKKEPURA S K, KUTTICHIRA P (Pharmacology Dep, Government Medical College, Thrissur-680 596, E-Mail. dr. kuhsgmail). Descriptive study of the influence of central purchase policy on the prices and availability of medicines in a tertiary care hospital in Kerala . J Res med Educ Ethics 2013, 3(3), 280-5. 023573 KOTESWARA C M, PATNAIK P (Anaesthesiology Dep, AJ Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore, Karnataka, E-Mail. major. chethangmail). Peri-operative dexamethasone therapy and post-operative psychosis in patients undergoing major oral and maxillofacial surgery . J Anaesth clin Pharmac 2014, 30(1), 94-6. 023574 KRISHNAN A R, RAJ S V, SOORAJ S, RAHUL R, KAMAL S S, DEEPA M S (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Dep, Sri Sankara Dental College, Varkala, Trivandrum, E-Mail. abhilashkrishnan611gmail). Giant submandibular sialolith . Kerala dent J 2014, 37(1), 37-9. 023575 KUCUKOGLU K, NADAROGLU H (Pharmaceutical Chemistry Dep, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ataturk University, 25240 Erzurum-Turkey, E-Mail. kucukoglukyahoo. tr). Assessment of the antioxidant and antiradicalic capacities in vitro of different phenolic derivatives . Free Radical Antioxidant 2014, 4(1), 24-31. 023576 KULKARNI G B, KALLOLLIMATH P, SUBASREE R, VEERENDRAKUMAR M (Neurology Dep, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore-560 029, E-Mail. gbk5000rediffmail ). Intractable vomiting and hiccups as the presenting symptom of neuromyelitis optica . 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Foot wear and footcare knowledge - an independent risk factor for diabetic foot in Indian diabetics . Indian med Gaz 2014, 148(1), 25-8. 023581 KUNDRA S, GUPTA V, BANSAL H, GREWAL A, KATYAL S, CHOUDHARY A K (1662-GRD Housing Complex, Sec-39, Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana, Punjab, E-Mail. sandeepkundrarediffmail). Comparative study of epidural application of morphine versus gelfoam soaked in morphine for lumbar laminectomy . J Anaesth clin Pharmac 2014, 30(1), 46-52. 023582 KUNDU S, MISRA S, HALDER R K, ROYCHOWDHURY A ( Pulmonary Medicine Dep, Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research, Kolkata-700 020, E-Mail. susmitakundu. chestyahoo). Pulmonary renal syndrome in a case of Wegeners granulomatosis . Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2013, 55(1), 49-52. 023583 KUNWAR V, AGARWAL A, KOHLI A (Era Medical College amp Hospital, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, E-Mail. drajaykohligmail). Inhalation agents and its abuse: neurobiological considerations . 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Visuo-cognitive skill deficits in alzheimers disease and lewy body disease: a comparative analysis . Ann Indian Acad Neurol 2014, 17(1), 12-18. 023588 MAHENDRAKUMAR B J, SOUMYA M, JAGADISH B D, PRAVEEN KUMAR M, VARUN S C (Pharmacy Practice Dep, JDT Islam College of Pharmacy, Kozhikode, Kerala, E-Mail. bjmahendra2003yahoo. co. in). Study on tobacco cessation by clinical pharmacist . Indian J Pharm Pract 2013, 6(1), 36-40. 023589 MAHENDRAKUMAR B J, SOWMYA M, MAHESWARI D U, HYMAVATHI R, RAMESH S (Pharmacy Dep, JDT Islam College of Pharmacy, Jamiath Hill, Kozhikode-673 012, E-Mail. bjmahendrakumar2003yahoo. co. in). Hospital formulary . Indian J Pharm Pract 2013, 6(1), 1-5. 023590 MAITRA S, SEN S, KUNDU S B, PAL S (F 35/2 Third Floor, Gautam Nagar, New Delhi-110 049, E-Mail. souvikmaitralive). Anaphylaxis from atracurium without skin manifestation . 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Efficacy and safety of montelukast plus fexofenadine fixed dose combination in allergic rhinitis: results of post-marketing study in India . Indian med Gaz 2013, 147(8), 314-8. 023632 NAMBIAR V K, VERMA S (Physiotherapy Dep, M. S. Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka, E-Mail. veenakirannambiaryahoo. co. in). Effectiveness of three teaching approaches in the development of psychomotor skills in airway clearance . J Res med Educ Ethics 2013, 3(3), 261-4. 023633 NANDWANI S, PANDE A, SALUJA M (Medicine Dep, Subharti Institute of Medical Sciences, Subhartipuram, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, E-Mail. drmahiphotmail). Case of Staphylococcus toxic shock syndrome presenting with multiple pneumatocoeles in the chest . Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2013, 55(1), 45-7. 023634 NAYAK K C, SUNIL KUMAR, GUPTA B K, SURENDRA KUMAR, GUPTA A, PARUL PRAKASH, KOCHAR D K (Medicine Dep, S. P. Medical College amp PBM Hospital, Bikaner). Clinical and histopathological profile of acute renal failure caused by falciparum and vivax monoinfection: an observational study from Bikaner, Northwest zone of Rajasthan, India . J Vector Borne Dis 2014, 51(1), 40-6. 023635 NEGI R (Psychology Dep, Delhi Univ, Delhi, E-Mail. rkhaipyahoo. co. in). Visual realism in autism . Delhi Psychiat J 2014, 17(1), 204-6. 023636 NINGHOT A D, MOHOD K, DAF S, KUMAR S ( Biochemistry amp JBTDRC Dep, Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sevagram (Wardha), Maharashtra-442 101). Assessment of derangement in renal and liver biochemical parameters in women with pregnancy induced hypertension . Indian J maternal child Hlth 2013. 15(1) 023637 OHAL S, PRADHAN M, ANJU RANI, BHUTE A, BEHERA C ( Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Dep, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, E-Mail. monishapryahoo). Retained fetal bones in the uterus emerging as the cause of suicide . 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KIDROP model of combining strategies for providing retinopathy of prematurity screening in inderserved areas in India using wide-field imaging, tele-medicine, non-physician graders and smart phone reporting . Indian J Ophthal 2014, 62(1), 41-9. 023784 VITEVA E I (15A, Vasil Aprilov Street, 4002 Plovdiv, Bulgaria, E-Mail. eivitevaabv. bg). Seizure frequency and severity: how really important are they for the quality of life of patients with refractory epilepsy . Ann Indian Acad Neurol 2014. 17(1), 35-42. 023785 VIVEK J, PRIYA R, SHUBHI P, SHILPI R, PREETI S, ASHUTHOSH P, YASHUMATI R, NISHANT P (Pharmacy Dep, Faculty of Science amp Technology, Banasthali Univ, Tonk-304 022, E-Mail. vivek19jgmail). Evaluation of job satisfaction amp social identity of rural Indian pharmacist . Indian J Pharm Pract 2013, 6(1), 47-58. 023786 WADER J V, KUMBHAR S S, MANKAR D V (Pathology Dep, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Malkapur, Karad-415 110). 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Determination of eucalyptus grandis boards properties through non-destructive testing . Int J civ struct Engng 2013, 4(2), 157-66. 023803 CHAITANYA KUMAR J D, VENKAT L (Civil Engineering Dep, GVP College of Engineering (A), Visakhapatnam-530 048, E-Mail. lutevenkatgmail). Analysis of multi storey building with precast load bearing walls . Int J civ struct Engng 2013, 4(2), 147-56. 023804 DAEI M, SHAHRYARI L (Civil Engineering Dep, Faculty of Engineering, Isfahan Univ, Iran). Efficient mathematical modeling based on moment distribution method for plastic analysis of frames . Int J civ struct Engng 2013, 4(2), 167-73. 023805 DAS S R, JUN-FENG L, NAYAK A R, ASSAF M H, PETRIU E M, BISWAS S N (Computer Science Dep, College of Arts and Sciences, Troy Univ, Montgomery, AL 36103 USA). Circuit architecture test verification based on hardware software co-design with modelsim . 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Photocurrent enhancement in a photo-electrochemical cell with improved Cu/ n-Cu 2 O photoelectrode by reducing the surface states on n-Cu 2 O as trapping centers . Invertis J renewable Energy 2014, 4(1), 24-8. 023824 RANGADINESH S, RAJASEKAR M, ARUNKUMAR S, VENKATESAN M (School of Mechanical Engineering, SASTRA Univ, Tirumalaisamudram, Thanjavur-613 401, E-Mail. mvenkatmech. sastra. edu). Experimental and numerical analysis on heat tranfer characteristics of shoe brush-shaped fins . Curr Sci 2014, 106(10), 1414-20. 023825 RANI S, SINGH A P (Electronics and Communication Engineering Dep, Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal-148 106, E-Mail. shwetakakkar21gmail). On the design and analysis of modified koch curve fractal antenna . J Instn Engrs:Ser B 2014, 94(4), 231-6. 023826 RAO M, HOYSALL D C, GOPALAN J (R. V. College of Engineering, Mysore Road, R. V. Vidyaniketan Post, Bangalore-560 059, E-Mail. jaggieaero. iisc. ernet. in). Mahogany seed-a step forward in deciphering autorotation . Curr Sci 2014, 106(8), 1101-09. 023827 RATNA KUMAR K, MADHUSUDHAN REDDY G, SRINIVASA RAO K (Metallurgical Engineering Dep, Government Polytechnic, Visakhapatnam-530 007). Studies on partially melted zone and pitting corrosion resistance of A356 aluminium-silicon alloy GTA welds . Indian Weld J 2014, 47(1), 27-42. 023828 REDDY E R, SHARMA M, CHAUDHARY J P, BOSAMIYA H, MEENA R (Scale-Up and Process Engineering Unit, CSIR-Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute, G. B. Marg, Bhavnagar-364 002, E-Mail. rmeenacsmcri. org). One-pot synthesis of biodiesel from high fatty acid Jatropha curcas oil using bio-based basic ionic liquid as a catalyst . Curr Sci 2014, 106(10), 1394-400. 023829 SAIKIA D, SARMA U, BORUAH P K (Instrumentation and USIC Dep, Gauhati Univ, Guwahati-781 014, E-Mail. dsaikia.10gmail). Development of an online heat index measurement system for thermal comfort determination . 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IETE J Res 2013, 59(2), 128-31. 023837 VISHNOI R K, SINGHAL S, PRADEEP KUMAR (THDC India Limited, Rishikesh). Design considerations for Vishnugad Pipalkoti Dam in highly seismic environment . Wat Energy int 2013, 70(10), 36-43. 023838 VUJASINOVIC G (CTS International, 1455 Sandburg Terrace, Chicago Unit 702, IL 60610, USA). Construction of RCC dams: delivery systems . Wat Energy int 2013, 70(10), 53-9. 023839 WANG X, XIANG D, YU Z (Computer Science and Technology Dep, Tsinghua Univ, Beijing-100 084, China). Cost-effective interconnect architecture for interconnection network . IETE J Res 2013, 59(2), 109-17. 023840 XIONG H, HONG J S (School of Physical Electronics, Electronic Science and Technology of China Univ, Chengdu-610 054, China). Wideband endfire directional microstrip antenna with metamaterials . IETE J Res 2013, 59(2), 150-5. 023841 YASSER M, ABDUL B, EL-GINDY M (Regina Wascana Parkway Univ, SK, Canada). Stochastic model for environment sensing correction . 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Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 6-9. 023845 ADITYA PRATAP, JITENDRA KUMAR, SHIV KUMAR (Crop Improvement Div, Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur-208 024, E-Mail. adityapratapgarggmail). Evaluation of wild Evaluation of wild species of lentil for agro-morphological traits . Legume Res 2014, 37(1), 11-8. 023846 AKHTAR J, LAL H C, YOGESH KUMAR, SINGH P K, GHOSH J, KHAN Z, GAUTAM N K (Plant Pathology Dep, Birsa Agricultural Univ, Ranchi-834 006, E-Mail. jameelbaurediffmail). Multiple disease resistance in greengram and blackgram germplasm and management through chemicals under rain-fed conditions . Legume Res 2014, 37(1), 101-9. 023847 ALI S, KADIAN M S, AKHTAR M, CHANDLA V K, SINGH B P (International Potato Center (CIP)-SWCA, New Delhi-110 012, E-Mail. s. alicgiar. org). Epidemiological approaches to control aphid-borne Potato virus diseases in Meghalaya, India . 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Crop protection strategies for sustainable cashew production system: challenges, opportunities and priorities . Cashew Cocoa J 2014, 3(1), 26-37. 023852 AMEENA M, GEETHAKUMARI V L, GEORGE S (Krishi Vigyan Kendra (K. A.U.), Palakkad, Kerala). Allelopathic influence of purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) root exudates on germination and growth of important field crops . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 186-9. 023853 AMIN M, AHMAD R, BASRA S M A, ALI A, LEE D J ( Sub-Campus, Agriculture Univ, Faisalabad College of Agriculture, Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan, E-Mail. uafansergmail). Response of maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids to drought stress at early seedling stage . Res Crop 2014, 15(1), 55-61. 023854 AMULE R, GUPTA O, MISHRA M (Plant Pathology Dep, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Viswa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur-482 004, E-Mail. omguptajnkvvrediffmail). Techniques for screening of chickpea genotypes against collar rot, its management through host plant resistance and fungicides . 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Morphological variability and pathogenic reactions of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri isolates to cultivars of Chick pea . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 345-8. 023859 ANWAR M P, JURAIMI A S, SAMEDANI B, MOHAMED M T M, KAMAL UDDIN M, HASAN A K, HOSSAIN M D (Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Putra Malaysia Univ, Serdang-43400, Selangor, Malaysia, E-Mail. parvezagronyahoo). Integration of cultural and chemical weed control methods for higher weed control efficiency and better performance of aerobic rice . Res Crop 2014, 15(1), 1-13. 023860 ARSODE S V, DEOTALE R D, SAWANT P P, SAHANE A N, BANGINWAR A D (Botany Section, College of Agriculture, Nagpur, Maharashtra). Influence of foliar sprays of humic acid through cowdung wash and NAA on morpho-physiological parameters, growth and yield of mustard . J Soil Crop 2014, 24(1), 119-27. 023861 ARUNKUMAR N, SUNDARAM S P, ANANDHAM R, GOPAL N O, BALAKRISHNAN S (Agricultural Microbiology Dep, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai, E-Mail. bullseye84gmail). Methionine secreting micro-organisms from sago industrial wastes and standardization of growth parameters for maximum methionine secretion . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 29-35. 023862 ASKARI-KHORASGANI O, MORTAZAEINEZHAD F, GOLPARVAR A R, SOLEYMANI A (Horticulture Dep, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad Univ, Isfahan, Iran, E-Mail. oaskariymail). In vitro bacterial decontamination of Kelussia odoratissima seed during dormancy breaking . Res Crop 2014, 15(1), 237-47. 023863 ASWAL J S, MOHAPATRA S D, BISHT B S (Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology, Science and Technology Dep, Dehradun, E-Mail. jagbir77aswalrediffmail). Bio - efficacy of Spiromisifen-240SC(Oberon-240SC) against European red spider mite (Panonychus ulmi) and red spider mite (Tetrenychus urticae) in Apple . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 420-1. 023864 AYYADURAI P, MANICKASUNDARAM P (Agronomy Dep, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ, Coimbatore, E-Mail. ayyaagriduraigmail). Growth, nutrient uptake and seed cotton yield as influenced by foliar nutrition and drip fertigation in cotton hybrid . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 276-9. 023865 AZHARUDHEEN T P M, GOWDA M V C, LINGARAJU S, BHAT A R S, BHAT R, MOTAGI B N (Genetics and Plant Breeding Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad-580 005, E-Mail. tpazhargmail). Evaluation of sister homozygous lines for oil content and oil quality in groundnut . Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 1-5. 023866 BAGDI G L, KUROTHE R S, RAO B K, PANDE V C, GOPAL KUMAR (Central Soil amp Water Conservation Research amp Training Institute, Research Centre, Vasad-388 306, E-Mail. glbagdiyahoo ). Farmers perception towards adoption of bamboo in Mahi ravines . Indian J Soil Conserv 2013, 41(1), 83-7. 023867 BAIRWA B, SINGH R N (Entomology amp Agril. Zoology, Institute of Agril. Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221 005, ). Abiotic factors on incidence of leaf mite, Schizotetranychus andropogoni (Hirst) and its web colony on Sugarcane plant . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 247-9. 023868 BAJPAI P K, KRISHNA PRIYA, MALIK M (Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow, E-Mail. pramodbajpaiindiatimes). Selection of appropriate growth model for prediction of sugarcane area, production and productivity of India . Sugar Tech 2012, 14(2), 188-91. 023869 BEE O B, MOHAMED M T M, AZIZ S N A A, ANWAR M P, MAHMOOD M (Biochemistry Dep, Faculty of Biotechnology and Molecular Sciences, University Putra Malaysia, 43400, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia, E-Mail. mtmmupm. edu. my). Germination, growth and biochemical responses of papaya (Carica papaya L.) to electric field . Res Crop 2014, 15(1), 159-68. 023870 BEGUM M K, ALAM M R, ISLAM M S, AREFIN M S ( Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute, Ishurdi, Pabna 6620, Bangladesh, E-Mail. kohinoorsamiayahoo). Effect of water stress on physiological characters and juice quality of sugarcane . Sugar Tech 2012, 14(2), 161-7. 023871 BHADALIA A S, DHEDHI K K, JOSHI H J, SORATHIYA J S (Genetics and Plant Breeding Dep, Junagadh Agricultural Univ, Junagadh (Gujarat), E-Mail. kkdhedhirediffmail). Combining ability studies through diallel analysis in pearl millet Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 57-60. 023872 BHALERAO R R, PADHIAR B V, PATIL S J, BHALERAO P P, GAIKWAD S S (Fruit Science Dep, ASPEE College of Horticulture and Forestry, Navsari Agricultural Univ, Navsari-396 450). Seasonal variation in nutrients of mango (Mangifera indica) cv. alphonso and kesar leaves . Curr Hort 2013, 1(1), 47-50. 023873 BHARAMAPPA G, SUVARNA V C, PRASAD H J ( Agricultural Sciences Univ, G. K.V. K. Bengaluru (Karnataka)). Storage quality and shelf life of horse gram sprouts treated with different forms of garlic . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 430-2. 023874 BHARDWAJ N K, SINGH V (Mycology and Plant Pathology Dep, Banaras Hindu Univ, Varanasi-221 005, E-Mail. bhardwajbhugmail). Assessment of phomopsis blight disease by AUDPC value in brinjal crop (RILs) against-Phomopsis vexans . Adv Life Sci 2013, 2(2), 35-7. 023875 BHAT A, SHARMA M, SINGH S P (Agricultural Economics Dep, Division of Agricultural Economics and Statistics, Faculty of Agriculture, Sher-e-Kashmir Univ of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (J), Chatha, Jammu). Dynamics of food grains production in Jammu amp Kashmir and Haryana . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 92-5. 023876 BHATNAGAR A, SINGH B P (Central Potato Research Institute, Campus Modipuram, Meerut-250 110, E-Mail. dr. anujbhatnagaricaryahoo. co. in). Evaluation of IPM module for insect pest management in potato (Solanum tuberosum): opportunities and challenges in India . Curr Hort 2013, 1(1), 22-7. 023877 BHOJ S, AVADHESH KUMAR, BARDHAN D, DABAS Y P S ( Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Dep, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, G. B. Pant Agriculture and Technology Univ, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, E-Mail. dwaipayanbardhangmail). Women dairy self-help groups in Uttarakhand-India: constraint identification in milk production and participation in microfinance module . Anim Sci Reptr 2014, 8(2), 61-70. 023878 BHOYA M, CHAUDHARI P P, RAVAL C H, BHATT P K ( Agronomy Dep, C. P. College of Agriculture, S. D. Agricultural Univ, Sardarkrushinagar, E-Mail. mrajeshpathyahoo. co. in). Effect of nitrogen and zinc on growth and yield of fodder sorghum Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench varieties . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 294-7. 023879 BHUBANESHWARI DEVI M, SANDHYARANI DEVI O, DINESHWOR SINGH S (Laboratory of Entomology, P. G. Centre, D. 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Participation of rural mothers, community leaders and health officials in National Rural Health Mission . Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 138-43. 023894 CHANDRAKAR K, SRIVASTAVA L K, CHANDRAKAR U K, MAHANT K D (KVK, Mahasamund, Chhattisgarh). Status of available micronutrients of the sampled soil of inceptisol from Janjgir district of Chhattisgarh . J Soil Crop 2014, 24(1), 34-42. 023895 CHANDRAKAR U K, DAS G K, CHANDRAKAR K ( Agriculture Dep, Mahasamund, Chhatisgarh). Productivity and economics of lentil (Lens culinaris, Medikus) as affected by different weed management practices . J Soil Crop 2014, 24(1), 43-9. 023896 CHANDRASHAKER K, SAILAJA V, CHANDRASEKHAR RAO P ( Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry Dep, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, ANGRAU, Hyderabad-500 030). Effect of integrated use of organic and inorganic sources of phosphorus on soil physico-chemical and chemical properties of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) . 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Indian J Soil Conserv 2013, 41(1), 88-97. 023906 CHOUDHARY R, SINGH D, SINGH P, DADARWAL R S, CHAUDHARI R (Directorate of Research, Maharana Pratap Agriculture amp Technology Univ, Udaipur, Rajasthan-313 001). Impact of nitrogen and sulphur fertilization on yield, quality and uptake of nutrient by maize in southern Rajasthan . Ann Pl Soil Res 2013, 15(2), 118-21. 023907 CHOUDHARY S, BHOGAL N S (Directorate of Rapeseed Mustard Research, Sewar, Bharatpur, Rajasthan). Response of mustard cultivars to boron application . Ann Pl Soil Res 2013, 15(2), 131-33. 023908 CHRISTOPHER D J, SUTHIN R T, SUDHA RAJA KUMAR R ( Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar - 608 002. E-Mail. johnpp73rediffmail). Morphological, pathological and molecular variability of Colletotrichum capsici causing anthracnose of Chilli . 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J Ent Res 2014, 38(1), 17-21. 023912 DEEPENDRA KUMAR, SINGH J (Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science Dep, Raja Balwant Singh College, Bichpuri, Agra, Uttar Pradesh-283 105). Integrated effect of copper and farmyard manure on yield, quality and uptake of nutrients in wheat . Ann Pl Soil Res 2013, 15(2), 156-9. 023913 DEORE M, ATKARE V G, ZINJARDE R M, GUBBAWAR S G, ACHAT G B (Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science Section, College of Agriculture, Nagpur, Maharashtra). Effect of different fat levels of milk on the quality of flavoured milk . J Soil Crop 2014, 24(1). 201-4. 023914 DESAI S R, PALLED V, MATHAD R (Agricultural Engineering Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad, E-Mail. srdesaicaegmail). Performance evaluation of fixed dome type biogas plant for solid state digestion of cattle dung . Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 103-6. 023915 DESAI S S, CHOVATIA R S, VIRENDRA SINGH ( Horticulture Dep, Junagadh Agricultural Univ, Junagadh (Gujarat), E-Mail. researchsarveshgmail). Effect of different plant growth regulators and micronutrients on fruit quality and plant micronutrient content of tomato . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 130-3. 023916 DEVARAJ L, JAHAGIRDAR S, BASAVARAJA G T, PATIL R H, HUNDEKAR A R, VIRUPAKSHA PRABHU H (Plant Pathology Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad-580 005, E-Mail. ldevaraj4105gmail). Development of spray schedule involving fungicides and botanicals against Asian soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd. . Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 63-6. 023917 DEVI M, INDIRA KUMAR K, NIRANJANA R F ( Agricultural Entomology Dep, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ, Coimbatore-641 003, E-Mail. deviagri84gmail). Biology of sweet potato weevil, Cylas formicarius F. on sweet potato . J Ent Res 2014, 38(1), 53-7. 023918 DHADGE S M, SATPUTE N R (Zonal Agriculture Research Station, Krishak Bhavan, Solapur, Maharashtra, E-Mail. satputenitin1gmail). Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield and quality of summer groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 314-16. 023919 DHADGE S M, SATPUTE N R (Zonal Agriculture Research Station, Krishak Bhawan, Solapur (M. S.), E-Mail. satputenitin1gmail). Integrated nutrient management in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)-maize (Zea mays) cropping system . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 365-8. 023920 DHARMINDER KUMAR, DWIVEDI S V, SANDEEP KUMAR, AHMED F, BHARDWAJ R K, THAKUR K S, THAKUR P (Vegetable Science Dep, Dr. Y. S. Parmar Univ of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan (Himachal Pradesh), E-Mail. dharmrudergmail). Potential and biodiversity conservation strategies of underutilized or indigenous vegetables in Himachal Pradesh . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 459-62. 023921 DHILLON M K, GUJAR G T (Entomology Div, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012, E-Mail. mukeshdhillonrediffmail). Maize genotypes identified with resistance to spotted stem borer, Chilo partellus and favourable agronomic traits . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 224-8. 023922 DHOLU V K, SASIDHARAN N, SUTHAR K, BHUSAN B, PATEL J N (Genetics and Plant Breeding Dep, B. A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural Univ, Anand, E-Mail. sasidhaaranneetiyathgmail). Heterosis and combining ability analysis in indian mustard, Brassica juncea (L.) Czern amp Coss . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 102-7. 023923 DOHROO A, SHARMA D R, DOHROO N P (Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences, Solan (HP), E-Mail. dohrooaradhanagmail). Biodiversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi in Agricultural crops of Western Himalayas . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 391-5. 023924 DURAGANNAVAR F M, PATIL B N, HALIKATTI S I, PALLED B, PATIL P L, MOHANKUMAR H D (Agronomy Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad-580 005, E-Mail. fmduragannavargmail). Dry matter production, yield and economics as influenced by intercropping system of chillicotton . Karnataka J agric Sci 2013. 26(1), 26-35. 023925 DURAGANNAVAR F M, PATIL B N, HALIKATTI S I, PALLED Y B, PATIL P L, MOHANKUMAR H D (Agronomy Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad-580 005, E-Mail. fmdurgannavargmail). Yield, nutrient uptake and economics as influenced by chillicotton intercropping system . Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 20-5. 023926 DWIVEDI V (Horticulture Dep, J. N. Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, College of Agriculture, Rewa-486 001). Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield, quality and economics of guava . Ann Pl Soil Res 2013, 15(2), 149-51. 023927 ERDAL I, KAYA M, KUCUKYUMUK Z (Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Dep, Faculty of Agriculture, Suleyman Demirel Univ, Isparta, Turkey, E-Mail. ibrahimerdalsdu. edu. tr). Effects of zinc and nitrogen fertilizations on grain yield and some parameters effecting zinc bioavailability in lentil seeds . 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Mutagenic characteristics of maize variety (Zheng 58) radiated by 7 Li ion beams . Res Crop 2014, 15(1), 71-7. 023938 GHORADE R B, KALPANDE V V, BHONGLE S A (All India Coordinated Sorghum Improvement Project, Sorghum Research Unit (Dr. P.D. K.V.), Akola, Maharashtra, E-Mail. sabhonglerediffmail). SPH-1635-A dual purpose high yielding Kharif sorghum hybrid . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 134-7. 023939 GHORADE R B, KALPANDE V V, BHONGLE S A, BAND P A ( All India Coordinated Sorghum Improvement Project, Sorghum Research Unit (Dr. P. D.K. V.), Akola, E-Mail. sabhonglerediffmail). Combininig ability analysis for drought tolerance and grai yield in Rabi sorghum . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 344-7. 023940 GHOSHLYA J, GUPTA A K, CHOUDHARY S K, KHANDELWAL R (S. K.N. College of Agriculture Jobner, Jaipur, Rajasthan, E-Mail. surajrauyahoo. co. in). Effect of varieties and nutrients application on yield attributes and yield of cowpea . 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Socio-economic status of Lac growers in Korba district of Chhattisgarh . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 167-71. 023945 GOYAL P, AMRENDER KUMAR, CHAHAR M, IQUEBAL M A, DATTA S, CHATTOPADHYAY C (Directorate of Rapeseed, Mustard Research (ICAR), Bharatpur-321 303, E-Mail. chirantanchahotmail). Pathogenic and genetic variability among Brassica isolates of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum from India and UK . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 377-86. 023946 GOYAL P, CHATTOPADHYAY C, MATHUR A P, KUMAR A, MEENA P D, DATTA S, IQUEBAL M A (Directorate of Rapeseed, Mustard Research (ICAR), Bharatpur-321 303, E-Mail. poonam201183gmail). Pathogenic and molecular variability among Brassica isolates of Alternaria brassicae from India . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 349-59. 023947 GOYAL P, PRASAD M A, CHATTOPADHYAY C (Directorate of Rapeseed, Mustard Research (ICAR), Sewar, Bharatpur-321 303, E-Mail. chirantanchahotmail). Histopathology in Brassica juncea - Alternaria brassicae interaction and localization of histochemicals in Alternaria blight-infected B. juncea leaves . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 322-8. 023948 GUDADE B A, CHHETRI P, DEKA T N, GUPTA U, VIJAYAN A K: Large cardamom (Amomum subulatum Roxb.): a spice crop with multiple uses . Indian J Arecanut Spices med Pl 2013, 15(4), 14-16. 023949 GUPTA P, SINGH R, MALHOTRA S, BOORA K S, SINGAL H R (Centre for Plant Biotechnology, CCS Haryana Agricultural Univ, New Campus, Hisar-125 004, E-Mail. rohtasbotrediffmail). Cowpea Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. seed proteins: heterogeneity in total proteins and protein fractions . Legume Res 2014, 37(1), 62-7. 023950 HAMZA S, SRINIVASAN V, DINESH R (Indian Institute of Spices Research, Marikunnu PO, Calicut-673 012). Management of acid soils under major spice crops . 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P.), E-Mail. amitagcrewarediffmail). Effect of different phosphorus levels on growth, fodder yield and economics of various cowpea genotypes and Kymore plateau and Satpura hills zone of Madhya Pradesh . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 409-11. 023970 JHA B K, CHANDRA R, SINGH R (Soil Science Dep, College of Agriculture, G. B. Pant Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar-263 145, E-Mail. pantnagargmail). Influence of post emergence herbicides on weeds, nodulation and yields of soybean and soil properties . Legume Res 2014, 37(1), 47-54. 023971 JNANADEVAN R (Directorate of Cashewnut amp Cocoa Development, Kochi). Pricing and transactional trend of import of raw cashew nuts . Cashew Cocoa J 2014, 3(1), 38-43. 023972 JOSEPH JOHN K, ET. AL. (National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, KAU (P. O.), Thrissur-680 656). Genetic resources and crossability relationship among various species of Abelmoschus . 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Effect of foliar sprays of humic acid through vermicompost wash and NAA on morpho-physiological parameters, yield and yield contributing parameters of chickpea . J Soil Crop 2014, 24(1), 107-14. 023981 KARUPPAIAH V, SRIVASTAVA C (Entomology Div, I. A.R. I. Pusa, New Delhi-110 012, E-Mail. karuppaiahv2008gmail ). Relative toxicity of newer insecticide molecules against Spodoptera litura . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 305-8. 023982 KASHYAP S, SANJAY KUMAR, MAJI S, DEVENDRA KUMAR ( Applied Plant Science (Horticulture Dep), Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Univ, Lucknow, E-Mail. sanjay123bhugmail). Effect of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers on growth, yield and quality of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) cv. Pant rituraj . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 305-8. 023983 KAVITA, SINGH R A (Tirhut College of Agriculture, Dholi, Muzaffarpur, Bihar, E-Mail. kavitaphysiologyyahoo). Effect of application of zinc on yield and yield attributes of chickpea genotypes in calciorthent soil . 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Effect of phosphorus and potassium on growth and flowering of African marigold . J Soil Crop 2014, 24(1), 169-73. 023995 KUMARA O, BASAVARAJ NAIK T, ANANADAKUMAR B M ( Agronomy Dep, Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Navile, Shimoga (Karnataka), E-Mail. kumakarediffmail). Effect weed management practices and fertility levels on soil health in finger millet-groundnut cropping system . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 351-5. 023996 KUMARA O, BASAVARAJ NAIK T, ANANDAKUMAR B M ( Agricultural and Horticultural Research Station, Channagiri (Karnataka), E-Mail. kumakarediffmail). Simulated and observed yield of cotton based on boll dropping as influence by soil and foliar application nutrients . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 236-40. 023997 KUMARA O, BASAVARAJ NAIK T, ANANDAKUMAR B M ( Agronomy Dep, Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Navile, Shimoga, E-Mail. kumakarediffmail). Response of Bt cotton hybrids on planting density and fertility levels on growth and yield . 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J Soil Crop 2014, 24(1), 185-92. 024005 LI R G, HAN Y C, LU P, HENG DU R, LIU G Q (School of Biological Sciences, Aberdeen Univ, Zoology Building, Tillydrone Avenue, Aberdeen AB24 2TZ, U. K. E-Mail. guoqingliuhotmail). Molecular characterization of aphids infesting sorghum in China . Res Crop 2014, 15(1), 84-9. 024006 LI Z, YE G, YANG M, LIU Z, LU D, MAO X, WU Q, LI X (Institute of Crop Genetics and Breeding, Agricultural College of Yangtze Univ, Jingzhou, Hubei, China, E-Mail. Genetic characterization of a multiparent recombinant inbred line of rice population . Res Crop 2014, 15(1), 28-37. 024007 LIN Y, LI T (Shenyang Agricultural Univ and Key Lab of Protected Horticulture, Liaoning Province, Shenyang-110 161, Liaoning, China). Salinity stress accelerates abscission of tomato pedicel explants and expression of MAPK gene members . 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Res Crop 2014, 15(1), 49-54. 024011 LV B S, LI X W, MA H Y, YANG H Y, WEI L X, LV H Y, JIANG C J, LIANG Z W (Chinese Academy of Sciences Univ, Beijing-100 049, China, E-Mail. cjjiangaffrc. go. jp). Different modes of proline accumulation in response to saline-alkaline stress factors in rice (Oryza sativa L.) . Res Crop 2014, 15(1), 14-21. 024012 MAHAJAN H S, HIRWE N A (Oilseed Research Station, Jalgaon, Maharastra). Economical assessment of critical period for crop-weed competition in rainfed sesamum (Sesamum indicum) . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 179-81. 024013 MAHESHWARI S K, KRISHNA H (Plant Pathology Dep, Faculty of Agriculture/Regional Research Station, (SKUAST-Kashmir), Wadura, Sopore-193 201, E-Mail. maheshwariskciahgmail). Field efficacy of fungicides and bio-agents against Alternaria leaf spot of Mung bean . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 364-7. 024014 MAHIPAT SINGH, MUKESH KUMAR (Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Pilibhit (Uttar Pradesh), E-Mail. mrajeshpathyahoo. co. in). Effect of nitrogen and sulphur levels on seed yield and some other characters in mustard Brassica juncea (L.) Czern and Coss . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 449-52. 024015 MALATHI P, VISWANATHAN R (Crop Protection Div, Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, E-Mail. emalathiyahoo ). Variation in Colletotrichum falcatum-red rot pathogen of sugarcane in relation to host resistance . Sugar Tech 2012, 14(2), 181-7. 024016 MALHOTRA S K (ICAR and Horticulture Commissioner, Ministry of Agriculture, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi). Research and development strategies for achieving quantum jump in cashew productivity . Cashew Cocoa J 2014, 3(1), 14-25. 024017 MALL U S, MANJHI R P, THAKUR R (Agronomy Dep, Birsa Agricultural Univ, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, E-Mail. udayshankermallgmail). Intensification and diversification of rice (Oryza sativa) based cropping systems for productivity, profitability and water expense efficiency in Jharkhand . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 124-9. 024018 MALLIKARJUNA B, SUSHEELAMMA B N (Regional Sericultural Research Station, Chamarajanagar, E-Mail. bmalikarjunarediffmail). Selection of new mulberry genotypes for moisture stress condition by joint score analysis . Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 157-9. 024019 MANCINI M C, LEITE D C, PERECIN D, BIDOLA M A P, XAVIER M A, LANDELL M G A, PINTO L R (Centro de Biologia Molecular e Engenharia Genetica (CBMEG), Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) Univ, Cidade Zeferino Vaz Univ, CP 6010, Campinas, SP CEP 13083-970, Brazil. E-Mail. lurossiniiac. sp. gov. br). Characterization of the genetic variability of a sugarcane commercial cross through yield components and quality parameters . Sugar Tech 2012, 14(2), 119-25. 024020 MANE M S, JAGTAP S K, AYARE B L, THOKAL R T (IDE Dep, College of Agril. Engg. and Tech. Dapoli, Maharashtra). Response of cucumber crop (Cucumis sativus L.) to drip irrigation system under various mulches . J Soil Crop 2014, 24(1), 193-200. 024021 MANI R, SINGH A N (N. D. Agriculture amp Technology Univ, Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh, E-Mail. rajmanimauryayahoo. co. in). Assessment of conjunctive use planning of water resources: a case study of Sultanpur district-Uttar Pradesh, India . Agric biol Res 2013, 29(2), 122-38. 024022 MANJA NAIK C, CHAKRAVARTHY A K (Entomology Dep, Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore-560 065, E-Mail. naik196710yahoo). Sustainable management practices for tea mosquito bug Helopeltis antonii Signoret (Miridae:Hemiptera) on cashew . Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 54-7. 024023 MANJAPPA K, YELEDALLI S B (Agromet Advisory Service Unit, Agricultural Research Station (Paddy), Sirsi-581 401, E-Mail. manjappasirsigmail). Validation and assessment of economic impact of agro advisories issued based on medium range weather forecast for Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka . Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 36-9. 024024 MANJULA A, SATHYAVATHI S, PUSHPANATHAN M, GUNASEKARAN P, RAJENDHRAN J (Genetics Dep, School of Biological Sciences, Madurai Kamaraj Univ, Madurai-625 021, E-Mail. jrajendhrangmail). Microbial diversity in termite nest . Curr Sci 2014, 106(10), 1430-4. 024025 MARX K K, VAITHEESWARAN T, CHIDAMBARAM P, SANKARRAM S, KARTHIGA P (Fisheries Biotechnology Dep, Fisheries College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Fisheries Univ, Thoothukudi-628 008, E-Mail. frs69rediffmail). Length weight relationship of nile tilapia of Oreochromis niloticus niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) (family:cichlidae) . Indian J vet Anim Sci Res 2014, 43(1), 33-9. 024026 MASSEY J X, GAUR B L, SUMERIYA H K (Agronomy Dep, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Maharana Pratap Univ of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur (Rajasthan), E-Mail. gremsdykeyahoo. co. in). Yield and economics of sweet corn (Zea mays L.) cultivars as influenced by plant population and fertility levels on yield attributes and their interaction effect under zone IV a of Rajasthan . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 82-6. 024027 MAURICE N G, SHUKLA P K, RAMTEKE P W (Biological Sciences Dep, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology amp Sciences, Naini, Allahabad-211 007, E-Mail. navoditageorgegmail ). Effect of larval density on survival and occurrence of cannibalism in Epilachna vigintioctopunctata Fab . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 291-4. 024028 MEENA P K, RATNOO R S (Plant Pathology Dep, Rajasthan College of Agriculture (MPUAT), Udaipur, Rajasthan, E-Mail. prahladmumar. meenarediffmail). Efficacy of fungicides and phytoextracts against Alternaria spp. causing leaf spot on cotton in vitro . 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Curr Hort 2013, 1(1), 7-10. 024035 MISRA A, DWIVEDI S, SRIVASTAVA A K, TEWARI D K, KHAN A, KUMAR R (Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, P. O. CIMAP, Kukrail Picnic Spot Road, Lucknow-226 015). Efficient genotype physiology, growth, photosynthesis, photosynthetic pigments, essential monoterpene oil(s) yield and oil quality of Ocimum sanctum . Agric biol Res 2013, 29(2), 163-8. 024036 MISRA A, SRIVASTAVA N K, SRIVASTAVA A K (Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow-226 015, E-Mail. a. misracimap. res. in). Influence of Zn stresses on growth and physiology in Khus-Khus (Vetiveria zizanoides Nash.) and its essential sesquiterpene oil(s), in relation to roots diameter circumferential positions . Agric biol Res 2013, 29(2), 142-51. 024037 MOHANRAO S A, VEDNA KUMARI (Plant Breeding Dep, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur, E-Mail. drvendnagmail). Early generation selection parameters in doubled haploids of Ethiopian mustard (Brassica carinata A. Braun) . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 286-90. 024038 MORADI M, CHOUKAN R, HERAVAN E M, BIHAMTA M R ( Plant Breeding Dep, College of Agriculture, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad Univ, Tehran, Iran, E-Mail. moradim17yahoo). Genetic analysis of various morpho-physiological traits in zea mays L. using graphical approach under normal and water stress conditions . Res Crop 2014, 15(1), 62-70. 024039 MOTAGI B N, ANGADI C C, GOWDA M V C, NAIDU G K ( Genetics and Plant Breeding Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad-580 005, E-Mail. bnmotagigmail). Genetics of rust resistance in mutants and interspecific derivatives of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) . Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 14-16. 024040 MOVALIYA J K, DUTTA K S, HSAVSANI H, PATIL S S ( College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Junagarh Agricultural Univ, Junagadh-362 001, E-Mail. drsrpattgmail). Nutritional strategy for designer milk with fat constituents beneficial for human health . Agric Rev 2014, 35(1), 42-9. 024041 MUHINYUZA J B, SHIMELIS H, MELIS R, SIBIYA J, DAPHROSE G, NZARAMBA M N (African Centre for Crop Improvement, Univ of KwaZulu-Natal, Private Bag X01, Scottsville 3209, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, E-Mail. mujohnbaptyahoo). Yield and yield components response of potato genotypes in selected agro-ecologies of Rwanda . Res Crop 2014, 15(1), 180-91. 024042 MUKESH KUMAR, GAUR V K, KANT KRISHAN, SHARMA A ( National Research Centre on Seed Spices, Tabiji, Ajmer-305 206, E-Mail. mukki. siyaggmail). Host range and pathogenic variation in isolates of Macrophomina phaseolina incitant of dry root rot in Moth bean . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 333-6. 024043 MUKHERJEE D (Regional Research Station, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Darjeeling-734 301). Influence of date of sowing and nutrient management practices on sustainable production of indian mustard (Brassica juncea) under sub-temperate condition of Eastern Himalaya . Res Crop 2014, 15(1), 122-8. 024044 MUNIKRISHNAPPA P M, CHANDRASHEKAR S Y ( Floriculture and Landscape Architecture Dep, Post Graduate Centre, UHSB, GKVK Post, Bangalore-560 065). Effect of growth regulators on growth and flowering of china aster Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees. . Agric Rev 2014, 35(1), 57-63. 024045 MUNIKRISHNAPPA P M, PATIL A A, PATIL V S, PATIL B N, CHANNAPPAGOUDAR B B, ALLOLI T B (Horticulture Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad-580 005, E-Mail. munikrishnappapmgmail). Growth and yield parameters of different genotypes of China aster (Callistephus chinensis Nees.) . Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 107-10. 024046 MURALI BASKARAN R K, RAJAVEL D S (Agril. Entomology Dep, Agricultural College and Research Institute, (TNAU), Madurai-625 104, E-Mail. muralibaskaran2007rediffmail). Management of sucking insect pests of Groundnut through bio-agents and botanicals . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 286-90. 024047 NADIGER S, RAMESH BABU, ARAVINDA KUMAR B N ( Agronomy Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad-580 005, E-Mail. rameshbabu. niwsgmail). Bioefficacy of pre-emergence herbicides on weed management in maize . Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 17-19. 024048 NADUKERI S, KATTIMANI K N, KOLAKAR S S ( Plantation, Spices, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops Dep, College of Horticulture, Mudigere, Chikkamagaluru, Karnataka, E-Mail. sadashivnadukeriyahoo). Influence of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth and tuber yield of coleus (Coleus forskohlii) Briq.) under Northern dry zone of Karnataka . Int J agric Sci 2014. 10(1), 119-23. 024049 NAGAMANI P, VISWANATH K, SHARMA O P, BHAGAT S, REDDY P L (Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Reddipalli, Anantapur-515 761). Demonstration of IPM module for management of Helicoverpa armigera at village level . 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Possibilities for use of saline irrigation water for higher land productivity under groundnut-mustard rotation in salt affected vertisols of Saurastra in Gujarat . Legume Res 2014, 37(1), 79-86. 024054 NAVALE M R, CHANNABASAPPA K S (College of Forestry, Sirsi Agriculture Sciences Univ, Dharwad-580 005, E-Mail. mansi. navalegmail). Effect of integrated nutrient management on seedling growth of Hydnocarpus pentandra (Buch-Ham) . Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 167-9. 024055 NAVJOT SINGH, VASHISHT K K, MAHAL S S, SHARMA N ( Agronomy Dep, Punjab Agricultural Univ, Ludhiana, Punjab, E-Mail. navjotbrar11yahoo. co. in). Quality characteristics of rice grains as influenced by varying irrigation regimes in furrow and bed transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.) . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 216-20. 024056 NEGI R S, KAUSHIK S S, GURJAR P S, SHARMA A K, GAUTAM U S (Zonal Project Directorate, Zone VII (ICAR), J. N.K. V.V. Campus, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh). Drought mitigation interventions of Krishi Vigyan Kendra for enhancing chances of successful harvest in rainfed areas of Satna district of Madhya Pradesh . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 1-7. 024057 NIKUMBHE P H, SONAVANE P N, SABLE P A (Post Graduate Institute, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Ahmednagar, E-Mail. bluekingphngmail). In vitro technology for propagationof pineapple (Ananas comosus) cv. KEW . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 172-4. 024058 NIRAJ V P S, AMIT KUMAR, VED PRAKASH (Soil Science Dep, N. D. Univ of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh, E-Mail. vijaysoilscigmail). Effect of sulphur and zinc levels on yield and nutrient uptake by hybrid rice in partially reclaimed soid soil . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 241-3. 024059 NIRMALJIT KAUR, ANIL KUMAR, MONGA P K (Regional Research Station (P. A.U.), Abohar, Punjab, E-Mail. nirmalphysiorediffmail). Beneficial effects of kinetin on shelf life of kinnow mandarin . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 66-9. 024060 NIRU KUMARI, SINGH C S, RAJESH KUMAR, MALL U S ( Agronomy Dep, Birsa Agricutural Univ, Kanke, Ranchi (Jharkhand), E-Mail. udayshankermallgmail). Effect of nitrogen on wheat genotypes in Jharkhand . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 211-15. 024061 OJHA S, MACHIWAL D, PUROHIT R C (College of Technology and Engineering, Udaipur-313 001, E-Mail. dmachiwalrediffmail). Infiltration modeling in submergence area of a water harvesting structure: a case study . Indian J Soil Conserv 2013, 41(1), 8-13. 024062 PADMA J, SIVASUBRAMANIAM K (Seed Science and Technology Dep, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, E-Mail. jpadmajayabalangmail). Identification of chilli genotypes through simple sequence repeats (SSR) makers . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 193-7. 024063 PAL D P, MISHRA S P, SHUKLA C S, VERMA L R ( Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramoday Univ, Chitrakoot, Madhya Pradesh, E-Mail. lrextensiongmail). Effect of growth regulators on mycelial growth and yield of Pleurotus eous . Int J agric Sci 2014. 10(1), 151-3. 024064 PAL S, CHATTERJEE H, SENAPATI S K (Regional Research Station, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Kalimpong, Darjeeling-734 301, E-Mail. palsentogmail). Monitoring of Helicoverpa armigera using pheromone traps and relationship of morth activity with larval infestation on carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) in Darjeeling hills . J Ent Res 2014, 38(1), 23-6. 024065 PANDEY K K, AWASTHI A (Agricultural Statistics Dep, V. C.S. G. College of Horticulture, Uttarakhand Univ of Horticulture and Forestry, Bharsar, Pauri (Uttarakhand), E-Mail. kkpandeystatgmail). Integrated nutrient management in the maize (Zea mays L.) yield and soil properties . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 244-6. 024066 PANWAR L L, MAHAWAR R K, SHARMA J C, NAROLIA R S ( Agricultural Research Station, Borwat Farm, Banswara-327 001). Combining ability through line x tester analysis in maize . Ann Pl Soil Res 2013, 15(2), 105-9. 024067 PARAMESH V, SRIDHARA C J, SHASHIDHAR K S, BHUVANESWARI S (Agronomy College of Agriculture Dep, UAS (B), Shimoga (Karnataka), E-Mail. parameshagrongmail). Effect of integrated nutrient management and planting geometry on growth and yield of aerobic rice . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 49-52. 024068 PARAMESWARI Y S, SRINIVAS A, RAM PRAKASH T, NARENDAR G (Agronomy Dep, College of Agriculture Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural Univ, Hyderabad-500 030, E-Mail. samata. paramgmail ). Effect of different crop establishment methods on rice (Oryza sativa L.) growth and yield . Agric Rev 2014, 35(1), 74-7. 024069 PATANE S R, GULDEKAR D D, POTDHUKE S R, SWAMI K V (Plant Pathology Section, College of Agriculture, Nagpur-440 001). Response of zinc, iron and biofertilizers on nodulation and yield of blackgram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper) . J Soil Crop 2014, 24(1), 136-42. 024070 PATEL H K, PATEL R M, DESAI C K, PATEL H B (C. P. College of Agriculture, S. D. Agricultural Univ, Sardarkrushinagar, Gujarat, E-Mail. ck. roziyagmail). Response of summer sesamum (Sesamum indicum L.) to different spacings and levels of nitrogen and North Gujarat condition . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1). 336-43. 024071 PATEL J B, PATEL B D, SHARMA T D (Extension Education Institute, Anand Agricultural Campus Univ, Anand-388 110, E-Mail. jb1211yahoo). Impact of integrated pest management technology on cotton growers . Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 164-6. 024072 PATEL L C (Divyodaya Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Chebri, Khowai, Tripura). Assessment of different rice varieties under acidic soils of West Tripura . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 396-401. 024073 PATEL S J, PATEL B M, PATEL S K, RAVAL C H, PATEL P B, PATEL K I, PATEL P M (Agronomy Dep, S. D. Agricultural Univ, Sardarkrushinagar-385 506). Feasibility of fertigation of phosphorus and potash on vegetable clusterbean . Res Crop 2014, 15(1), 112-15. 024074 PATIDAR J, PATIDAR R K, SHAKYWAR R C, PATHAK M ( Entomology Dep, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur-482 004, E-Mail. raghubirpatidargmail). Host preference and survivability of Bagrada hilaris (Burmeister, 1835) on Off season crops . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 273-5. 024075 PATIDAR J, PATIDAR R K, SHAKYWAR R C, PATHAK M ( Entomology Dep, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur -482 004, E-Mail. raghubirpatidargmail). Bio-efficacy of plant extracts against Bagrada hilaris . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 425-6. 024076 PATIL A, CHOPDE N, JADHAV J G, GORE K S ( Horticulture Section, College of Agriculture, Nagpur, Maharashtra). Effect of growth regulators and methods of application on growth, yield and quality of gladiolus . J Soil Crop 2014, 24(1), 99-103. 024077 PATIL D, CHOPDE N, KEDAR D, GAWANDE M, SHINDE M ( Horticulture Section, College of Agriculture, Nagpur, Maharashtra). Growth, flowering and seed yield of African marigold as influenced by growth regulators . J Soil Crop 2014, 24(1), 115-18. 024078 PATIL J, ASHOKA J, BHEEMANNA M, SREENIVAS A G, NAGANAGOUD A (Agricultural Entomology Dep, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur-584 102). Seasonal incidence of sucking pests on Mulberry correlated with weather parameters . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 261-4. 024079 PATIL R G, ATKARE V G, ZINJARDE R M, GUBBAWAR S G (Animal Husbandry and Dairy Section, Agriculture College, Nagpur, Maharashtra). Feeding and management practices adopted by milch buffalo owners under field condition of Ramtek Tahsil . J Soil Crop 2014, 24(1), 154-8. 024080 PATIL S L (Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and Training Institute, Research Centre, Bellary-583 104, E-Mail. slpatil64gmail). Productivity of winter sorghum and chickpea as influenced by integrated nutrient management in deep black soils of Bellary region, India . Indian J Soil Conserv 2013, 41(1), 52-60. 024081 PATIL S S, CHOUDHARY A A, GOLEY A V, RASAL S J ( Agronomy Section, College of Agriculture, Nagpur). Effect of phosphorus and sulphur on growth, yield and economics of linseed . J Soil Crop 2014, 24(1), 159-64. 024082 PATIL V R, POTDUKHE S R, GULDEKAR D D, GHATE A M ( Plant Pathology Section, College of Agriculture, Nagpur, Maharashtra). Morphological and biochemical characterization of Azotobacter chroococcum from soils of different locations of Nagpur district . J Soil Crop 2014, 24(1), 148-53. 024083 PETER P K, CHANDRA MOHAN R (Central Plantation Crop Research Institute, Kasaragod-671 124). Variability in field symptoms of black pod disease of cocoa . Cashew Cocoa J 2014, 3(1). 44-7. 024084 POORYOUSEF M, ALIZADEH K (Agronomy Dep, College of Agriculture, Mahabad Branch Islamic Azad Univ, Mahabad, Iran, E-Mail. khdizajyahoo). Effect of foliar application of free amino acids on alfalfa performance under rainfed conditions . Res Crop 2014, 15(1), 254-8. 024085 PRADEEP KUMAR, RAKESH SINGH, SINGH A, PALIWAL D, SUSHIL KUMAR (Raja Balwant Singh Degree College, Bichpuri, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, E-Mail. rakeshsinghcssrigmail). Integrated nutrient management in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) - wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping sequence in semi arid condition of India . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 96-101. 024086 PRASAD B H V, MANAPURE P R, KURHADE G M, LENDE A R (Botany Section, College of Agriculture, Nagpur, Maharashtra). Simplified triple test cross analysis in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) . J Soil Crop 2014, 24(1), 132-5. 024087 PRASAD B N, NAGAMANI P, ANITA V, KUMAR M S ( Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rastakuntubai, Vizianagaram-532 523, E-Mail. manipath28gmail). Management of Brinjal shoot and fruit borer through Farmers participatory approach . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 429-30. 024088 PRASAD G P (Plant Pathology Dep, G. B.P. U.A. amp T. Pantnagar-263 145). Compatibility of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin with chemicals and bio-pesticides . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013. 21(2), 360-3. 024089 PRASAD S S, GUPTA P K, SINGH R V, MISHRA J P ( N. D.University of Agriculture and Technology, Crop Research Station, Ghaghraghat, Bahraich-271 901, E-Mail. ssprasad24gmail). Susceptible rice cultivar as trap crop for management of Scirpophaga incertulas under semi deep water condition . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 421-3. 024090 PRAVEENA KATHARINE S, SANTHI R, CHANDRASEKHAR C N, MARAGATHAM S, SELLAMUTHU K M (Soil Science amp Agricultural Chemistry Dep, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ, Coimbatore-641 003, E-Mail. praveenakaterediffmail). Evaluation of soil test crop response based integrated plant nutrition system (STCR-IPNS) recommendations for transgenic cotton on inceptisol . Res Crop 2014, 15(1), 226-31. 024091 PURWAR J P (GBPUAampT. Agriculture Research Station, Majhera, P. O.- Garampani, Nainital-263 135). Bioefficacy of entomopathogenic fungi against Fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) infesting Pear in Uttarakhand . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 233-6. 024092 RADHA KUMARI C, SRINIVASULU REDDY D, LALITHA SIVA JYOTHI G (Agronomy Dep, S. V. Agricultural College, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh). Grain yield and nutrient uptake of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under crop residue incorporation and different nitrogen management practices . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 23-8. 024093 RAGHAVENDRA, VEERANGOUDA M, PRAKASH K V, PALLED V, HIREGOUDAR S, MASKI D (Farm Machinery and Power Engineering Dep, College of Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Raichur-584 102, E-Mail. m. veerangoudarediffmail). Development and evaluation of ridge planter for cotton . Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 88-91. 024094 RAHATE R S, BADOLE S P, BADOLE W P, KUCHANWAR O D, PANCHABHAI D M (Soil Science amp Agril. Chemistry Section, College of Agriculture, Nagpur, Maharashtra). Charcterization, classification and soil site suitability for growing citrus sp. at Telangkhedi garden, Nagpur, (Maharashtra) . J Soil Crop 2014, 24(1), 63-71. 024095 RAJA, LAL A A, SIMON S, BASAYYA (Plant Protection Dep, Allahabad School of Agriculture Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Allahabad-211 007, E-Mail. rajarc8888gmail). Management of seedling rot of Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) using Trichoderma spp. and Pseudomonas fluorescens . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 387-90. 024096 RAJANISH CHANDRA, PANDEY R K, DAWARE P V ( Entomology Dep, N. D. Science and Technology Univ, Faizabad). Bio-efficacy of seed protectants against rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae Linn.) in stored wheat . Agric biol Res 2013, 29(2), 175-9. 024097 RAJESH KUMAR (National Research Centre on Litchi, Muzaffarpur-842 002, E-Mail. rajeshkr5yahoo). Effect of vegetative flushing and shoot maturity on flowering, bearing behaviour and fruit yield in litchi (Litchi chinensis) . Curr Hort 2013, 1(1), 30-4. 024098 RAJIV (Vegetable Science Dep, C. S. Azad Univ of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, E-Mail. rajiv. agro69gmail). Impact of dissemination and diffusion of conservation agronomical practices on area expansion in Hamirpur district of Bundelkhand . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 221-4. 024099 RAJNI SINGH, SASODE S D S, JAGA P K (Plant Pathology Dep, Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vidyalaya, College of Agriculture, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh-474 002). Anti-fungal evaluation of Aloe vera leaf extract against some plant pathogenic fungi . Ann Pl Soil Res 2013, 15(2), 97-100. 024100 RAKESH KUMAR, PRADEEP KUMAR, SINGH R (KVK, Ujwa, New Delhi-110 073). Effect of foliar application of micronutrients on flowering and fruiting in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) . Curr Hort 2013, 1(1), 19-21. 024101 RAKESH KUMAR, SARAVANAN S, JASROTIA A, BAKSHI P, SHAH R, RAINA V (Regional Horticulture Research Sub-Station (SKUAST-J), Gwari, Bhaderwah, Jammu (JampK), E-Mail. rakeshsangwalyahoo). Influence of gibberellic acid and blossom removal on flowering and yield of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) cv. Belrubi . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 272-5. 024102 RAKESH KUMAR, SHROTI S K, CHAUHAN S K (Agronomy Dep, Shri F. H. College of Science and Agriculture and Forestry, Nidhauli Klan, Etah, Uttar Pradesh). Standardization of row spacing for malt barley under timely and late sown conditions . Ann Pl Soil Res 2013, 15(2), 169-70. 024103 RAM AVTAR, SINGH D, THAKRAL N K, SINGH A, SANGWAN O, BABITA RANI, NISHA KUMARI (Genetics and Plant Breeding Dep, CCS Haryana Agricultural Univ, Hisar-125 004, E-Mail. ramavtarolayahoo. in). Multivariate analysis for evaluation and classification of toria germplasm accessions . Res Crop 2014, 15(1), 129-34. 024104 RAMA LAKSHMI C S, CHANDRASEKHAR RAO P, SREELATHA T, PADMAJA G, MADHAVI M, RAO P V, SIREESHA A (Regional Agricultural Research Station, Anakapalle-531 001, E-Mail. sitaramalakshmi20yahoo). Residual effects of INM on humus fractions, micronutrient content and their upake by rabi greengram under rice-pulse cropping system . Res Crop 2014, 15(1), 96-104. 024105 RAMESH B V, HIREMATH S V, NAIK M K, AMERESH Y S, LOKESH B K, VASUDEVAN S N (Plant Pathology Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Raichur-584 102, E-Mail. rameshvakkargmail). Seed mycoflora of soybean from North Eastern Karnataka . Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 58-62. 024106 RAMESH KUMAR A, PRABHU M, PONNUSWAMI V, LAKSHMANAN V, NITHYADEVI A (Anbil Dharmalingam Agricultural College and Research Institute, TNAU, Tiruchirappalli-620 009, E-Mail. rameshortyahoo). Scientific seed production techniques in moringa . Agric Rev 2014, 35(1), 69-73. 024107 RAO A S, POONIA S, PUROHIT R S, CHOUDHARY S ( Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur-342 003). Rainfall characteristics and meteorological drought condition in Jhunjhunu district of Western Rajasthan . Ann Pl Soil Res 2013, 15(2), 110-13. 024108 RAO C N, SINGH I P, SHIVANKAR V J, DHENGRE V N ( National Research Centre for Citrus, Amravati Road, Nagpur-440 010, E-Mail. nandikesh70gmail). Evaluation of Citrus germplasms for resistance to Thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood and Rust mite, Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashm.) . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 237-41. 024109 RAO Y, LAL A A, SIMON S, SINGH L (Plant Protection Dep, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology amp Sciences, Allahabad-211 007, E-Mail. raoyadumangmail). Management of brown spot (Drechslera oryzae) of Rice . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 450-2. 024110 RAO Y S, SASIDHARAN S, MATHEW K M (Biotechnology Lab, Indian Cardamom Research Institute, Spices Board, Cochin-25). Problems encountered in chilli production in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh . Indian J Arecanut Spices med Pl 2013, 15(3), 16-22. 024111 RATHIKA S (Agronomy Dep, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ, Coimbatore, E-Mail. rathikaselvarajgmail). Influence of crop geometry, intercropping and topping practices on green cob yield and fodder quality of baby corn (Zea mays L.) . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 182-5. 024112 RATHIKA S (Agronomy Dep, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ, Coimbatore, E-Mail. rathikaselvarajgmail). Efficiency evaluation of post - emergence herbicide metamitron 70 SC and ethofumesate 50 SC on weed control and productivity in sugarbeet . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 416-20. 024113 RATHOR Y S, LAL S S, BHATTACHARYA A (Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur-208 024, E-Mail. yogendrarathoryahoo. co. in). Effect of insecticidal seed treatment on different growth parameters in mungbean seedlings . Adv Life Sci 2013, 2(2), 53-7. 024114 RATHORE Y S, BHATTACHARYA A (Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur-208 024, E-Mail. yogendrarthryahoo. co. in). Ecological studies on Amon sp. infesting mungbean, urdbean and cowpea . Adv Life Sci 2013, 2(2), 70-4. 024115 RATURI A, SINGH S K, SHARMA V, PATHAK R (Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur-342 003, E-Mail. sksingh1111hotmail). Genetic variability and interrelationship among qualitative and quantitative traits in mungbean . Legume Res 2014, 37(1), 1-10. 024116 RAVIKUMAR M, VENKATESHA J, NIRANJANA K S, GURUMURTHY B R (Horticultural Research Station, Thirthahalli-577 432, E-Mail. raviyalavahalligmail). Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and economics of coleus (Coleus forskohlii Briq.) . Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 119-23. 024117 RAVINDERJIT KAUR, OHRI P, BHARDWAJ R (Zoology Dep, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar-143 005, E-Mail. ohripuja11rediffmail). 28-Homobrassinolide induces changes in defense enzymes in Tomato seedlings during nematode infection . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 459-60. 024118 RAWAT L, YOGENDRA SINGH, BIJENDRA KUMAR, SHULKLA A (Plant Pathology Dep, G. B. Pant Univ of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, E-Mail. lakkujoshirediffmail). Management of Rhizoctonia root rot of pea (Piscum sativum L.) by integrated biological and chemical approach . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 108-14. 024119 RAZVI R, SURI S, SARMA K (Veterinary Anatomy Div, Faculty of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, SKUAST-J, R. S. Pura, Jammu amp Kashmir-181 102, E-Mail. doctorrahika356gmail). Gross skin thickness in relation to age in different regions of Bakerwali goat . Indian J vet Anim Sci Res 2014, 43(1), 65-8. 024120 REDDY V R P, NABI RASOOL S (Genetics and Plant Breeding Dep, Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural Univ, S. V. Agricultural College, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, E-Mail. bvrpreddygmail). Role of cytogenetics in the era of molecular genetics . Adv Life Sci 2013, 2(2), 6-8. 024121 REDDY V R P, REDDY Y A (Genetics and Plant Breeding Dep, Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural Univ, S. V. Agricultural College, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, E-Mail. bvrpreddygmail). Organic plant breeding: a challenge for practice and science . Adv Life Sci 2013, 2(2), 19-20. 024122 REGEENA S, JOHN S, HARIKUMAR B (Farming Systems Research Station, Kerala Agricultural Univ, Sadanandapuram, Kerala). Fluctuating ginger prices - lessons to be learnt . Indian J Arecanut Spices med Pl 2013, 15(4), 3-11. 024123 REMA J, KRISHNAMOORTHY B, ZACHARIAH T J, MATHEW P A: A9/71 (IC-537220) INGR 10142, a nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) germplasm with high sabinene . Indian J Arecanut Spices med Pl 2013, 15(4), 12-13. 024124 RESMI P, KUNNAL L B, BASAVARAJA H, BHAT A R S, HANDIGOL J A, SONNAD J S (Agricultural Economics Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad-580 005, E-Mail. resmiparthasarathygmail ). Technological change in black pepper production in Idukki district of Kerala: a decomposition analysis . Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 76-9. 024125 ROOP KISHORE, JAI DEV, SINGH A, TOMAR S S ( Agronomy Dep, N. D. Univ of Agriculture and Technology, Faizabad, E-Mail. roopkishore897gmail). Growth, yield, quality and nitrogen uptake of various genotypes of mustard (Brassica juncea L.) an influenced by varying nitrogen levels under late sown conditions in Eastern Uttar Pradesh . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 260-3. 024126 SAHA P, DAS S (AICRP on MULLaRP, RRTTS, Keonjhar, Orissa Agriculture and Technology Univ, Odisha-758 002). Effect of altering host plant nutrition sources against early blight (Alternaria solani Ell. and Mart.) disease severity and yield of tomato . J Soil Crop 2014, 24(1), 13-7. 024127 SAHOO T R, TARAI R K (Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kalahandi, Bhawanipatna (Orissa), E-Mail. ranjanouatgmail). Effect of chemical fertilizers and mulching on growth, yield and residual soil fertility status under yam-maize intercropping system . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 372-7. 024128 SAHU R L, SAHU H, SACHIN KUMAR (Krishi Vigyan Kendra (I. G.K. V.), Anjora-Durg (C. G.), E-Mail. roshanagrirediffmail). Effect of application of inorganic fertilizers and biofertilizers on growth components and yield traits of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1). 433-6. 024129 SAIGAL S, KAPOOR G, GURJAR M, SINGH D K (Trauma and Emergency Medicine Dep, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal). Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage due to Plasmodium falciparum: a rare entity - are steroids indicated . J Vector Borne Dis 2014, 51(1), 66-8. 024130 SAIKIA S, BARMAN U (Extension Education Dep, College of Agriculture, Assam Agricultural Univ, Jorhat (Assam), E-Mail. barman. utpalgmail). Measuring perceptions of recommended technologies of sali rice by farmers of Assam . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 382-6. 024131 SAMUEL M P, SARANGI S K, SINGH R K, NGACHAN S V, CHOWDHURY P (National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad-500 030, E-Mail. manojpsamuelgmail). Enhancing productivity of micro watershed based farming systems through lined water harvesting tanks in North Eastern hills . Indian J Soil Conserv 2013, 41(1), 36-40. 024132 SANDHI S J, PATEL J G, DESAI C K (Polytechnic in Agriculture (N. A.U.), Navsari, Gujarat). Effect of spacing and nutrient management on growth and yield of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under south Gujarat condition . 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Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 152-4. 024136 SANJAY KUMAR, SINGH B R (Agricultural Engineering and Food Tech Dep, SVPUAampT, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, E-Mail. sanjaytwofourgmail). Performance feasibility and economic viability of sugarcane planter in Western plane zone of Uttar Pradesh, India . Sugar Tech 2012, 14(2), 101-8. 024137 SANTOSH KUMAR, GARKOTI A, TRIPATHI H S, LAL MEHI, ALI M, SINGH V (Jute Research Station (Bihar Agriculture University, Sabour, Bihar), Katihar-854 105, E-Mail. santosh35433gmail). Management of Rhizoctonia Web blight of Urdbean through botanicals and animal products . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 342-4. 024138 SANTOSH KUMAR, SINGH R S, YADAV L (Agronomy Dep, N. D. Univ of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad, E-Mail. santoshagro. ndgmail). Effect of moisture regime and integrated nutrient supply on yield and economics of transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.) . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 298-301. 024139 SAPNA HARIHAR, SRIVIDHYA S, VIJAYALAKSHMI C, BOOMINATHAN P (Crop Physiology Dep, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, E-Mail. boominathanpyahoo. co. in). Temperature induction response technique - a physiological approach to identify thermotolerant genotypes in rice . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 230-2. 024140 SARAVANAN T (Agronomy Dep, Vanavarayar Institute of Agriculture, Pollachi, Tamil Nadu). Effect of land preparation techniques, NP levels and bioinoculants on soil available nutrients and soil micro-organism in aerobic rice production . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 190-2. 024141 SARMAH D, MAHANTA P, TALUKDAR M C, DAS R ( Horticulture Dep, Assam Agricultural Univ, Jorhat-785 013, E-Mail. dsdipikasarmahgmail). Effect of mulching on growth and flowering of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus) cv. red gem under Assam condition . Res Crop 2014, 15(1), 211-14. 024142 SATISH KUMAR, GOWDA B, SHARN KUMAR (Seed Science and Technology Dep, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad (Karnataka)). Effect of pre-sowing treatments on seed quality and field performance of brinjal hybrid cv. ARKA NAVNEET (Solanum melongena L.) . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 441-5. 024143 SATISH KUMAR, RAJEEV KUMAR, SANJEEV KUMAR, SINGH H, SANDEEP KUMAR, SINGH M P (Janta P. G. College, Ajeetmal, Auraiya, Uttar Pradesh, E-Mail. rajeevkumar699gmail). Estimation of heterosis in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 356-9. 024144 SATYAKALA K, THAKUR K D, ALLADI A (Plant Pathology Section, College of Agriculture, Nagpur, Maharashtra). Influence of sulphur oxidizing fungi on growth and yield of soybean . J Soil Crop 2014, 24(1), 79-81. 024145 SAWAI H R, GODSE S K, NARANGALKAR A L, HALDANKAR P M, SANAS A P (Agriculture Entomology Dep, College of Agriculture, Dr. B. S. Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli). Bio efficacy of some insecticides against fruit flies infesting ridge gourd . J Soil Crop 2014, 24(1), 174-80. 024146 SELVAMANI R, PANDIAN R T, SHARMA P P (Plant Pathology Div, I. A.R. I. New Delhi-110 012). Morphological and cultural diversity of Alternaria brassicae (Berk.) Sacc. isolates cause of black leaf spot of Crucifers . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 337-41. 024147 SELVARAJ, NAIDU M V S (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Dep, College of Agriculture (UAS), Dharwad-580 005, E-Mail. selvaraj147gmail). Land characterization and soil-site suitability for the major crops for reniguntamandal in Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh . Indian J Soil Conserv 2013, 41(1), 41-6. 024148 SELVARAJ S, BASAVARAJ B, HEBSUR N S (Radioisotope (Tracer) Laboratory, Agricultural College, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ, Coimbatore-641 003, E-Mail. selvaraj147gmail). Pesticides use and their residues in soil, grains and water of paddy ecosystem . 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Efficacy of new ready-mix formulation of carboxin and thiram (Vitavax Ultra 200FF) against major soil borne diseases of Pea . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 439-41. 024156 SHARMA I J, SAMNOTRA R K, VIJAY KUMAR (Division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, S. K. Univ of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Chatha, Jammu, E-Mail. vijaykumar.1144yahoo). Influence of biofertilizer application methods and inorganic fertilizers on growth, seed yield and economics cost of okra Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench under sub-tropical irrigated area of Jammu . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1). 322-8. 024157 SHARMA K K, DUBEY S K (Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and Training Institute, Research Centre, Chhalesar, Agra-282 006, E-Mail. kks8498rediffmail). Probability analysis of rainfall for planning water harvesting and irrigation in semi arid region of Uttar Pradesh . Indian J Soil Conserv 2013, 41(1), 14-19. 024158 SHARMA N K (Directorate of Research, S. K. 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Effect of paddy straw and paper mill effluent on growth attributes and yield of wheat . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 70-4. 024162 SHARMA S, SHARMA A K, SHARMA S, DUBEY V K ( Entomology Dep, IGKV, Raipur, Chhattisgarh). Bioefficacy of different newer insecticides against the yellow stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulas) of paddy crop . J Soil Crop 2014, 24(1), 18-21. 024163 SHARMA Y K (Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science Dep, SASRD, Nagaland Univ, Medziphema, Nagaland-797 106). Fertility status and potassium fractions of acid soils of Mokokchung, Nagaland under some important land use systems . Ann Pl Soil Res 2013, 15(2), 87-92. 024164 SHEKINAH D E, SUNDARA B, RAKKIYAPPAN P (Crop Production Div, Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore-641 007, E-Mail. eshekinahgmail). Relative significance of N nutrition on yield, quality and ethanol in sugarcane (Saccharum species hybrid) plant: ratoon system . Sugar Tech 2012, 14(2), 134-7. 024165 SHINDE M, KHIRATKAR S D, GANJURE S, BAHADURE R ( Horticulture Section, College of Agriculture, Nagpur, Maharashtra). Response of nitrogen and potassium levels on growth, flowering and seed yield of African marigold . J Soil Crop 2014, 24(1), 89-94. 024166 SINGH A K (Crop Protection Div, Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow-227 107, E-Mail. anilsinghcishgmail). Management of post harvest anthracnose disease of Mango by pre and post harvest treatments . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 446-7. 024167 SINGH A P, ALI S (Entomology Dep, N. D. Univ. of Agri. amp Tech. Kumarganj, Faizabad-224 229). Efficacy and economics of chemicals and plant products against Dasyneura lini . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 423-5. 024168 SINGH A S, SINGH K, IMTIWATI, CHANDAN KUMAR ( Dairy Extension Div, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal-132 001, E-Mail. asheibamshyamyahoo). Livestock production through extension education . 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Genotype X environment interaction for growth characters in mustard (Brassica juncea (L) Czern amp coss) . Agric biol Res 2013, 29(2), 169-74. 024173 SINGH D, SINGH R P (Agronomy Dep, R. A.K. College of Agriculture, Sehore, Madhya Pradesh, E-Mail. agriandashrathyahoo). Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth, physiological parameters and productivity of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 175-8. 024174 SINGH I R, MAJUMDAR S P, MANDAL D (Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural Univ, Jobner, Jaipur, Rajasthan-303 329, E-Mail. dmandalcswcrtigmail). Effect of compaction on physical properties of sandy soils of Rajasthan . Indian J Soil Conserv 2013, 41(1), 30-5. 024175 SINGH J, SINGH O P, MISHRA J, SINGH K K ( Agricultural Economics Dep, B. V.S. Purvanchal Univ, Jaunpur). Price spread of potato in Azamgarh district of Uttar Pradesh . Agric biol Res 2013, 29(2), 180-7. 024176 SINGH K P, KAMAL KANT, ROY R K, JHA R N ( Horticulture Dep, Bihar Agricultural Univ, Sabour, Bhagalpur, E-Mail. kpshort1967gmail). Correlation and path co-efficient analysis in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis L.) . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 387-9. 024177 SINGH M V, MISHRA B N, NEERAJ KUMAR (Crop Research Station, Bahraihi-271 801). Effect of nitrogen scheduling on rabi maize . Ann Pl Soil Res 2013, 15(2), 171-2. 024178 SINGH M V, NEERAJ KUMAR, MISHRA B N (Crop Research Station, Bhahraich-271 801). Integrated use of nitrogen and FYM on yield, nutrient uptake and economics of maize in Eastern Uttar Pradesh . Ann Pl Soil Res 2013, 15(2), 128-30. 024179 SINGH M V, NEERAJ KUMAR, VINAY KUMAR (Crop Research Station, Bahraich-271 801). Effect of variety, sowing dates and fertility levels on capsularis jute . 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Evaluation of heterosis and inbreeding depression for seed yield and its components in castor (Ricinus communis L.) . Int J agric Sci 2014, 10(1), 154-7. 024236 VISHWAKARMA R, GHATAK S S (Entomology Dep, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur, E-Mail. entoramanujgmail). Relative toxicity of plant products and entomopathogenic fungi against Honeybee . Ann Pl Prot Sci 2013, 21(2), 453-5. 024237 VISHWANATH, PANDEY M, BRIJESH KUMAR (N. D. Agriculture and Technology Univ, Faizabad). Effect of integrated nutrient management in guava on soil properties . Ann Pl Soil Res 2013, 15(2), 175-6. 024238 VYAS D, MUNOT J, MALOO S R, DASHORA A, RAJPUROHIT D (Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Maharana Pratap Agric. Technology Univ, Udaipur-313 001, E-Mail. okdivyagmail). RAPD based evaluation of genetic diversity in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes . 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Effect of different harvest stages on photosynthetic characteristics and yield of purple yam . Res Crop 2014, 15(1), 206-10. 024246 YASMIN, POLISGOWDAR B S, SATISH KUMAR U, AYYANGOUDAR M S, RAO K N (Soil and Water Engineering Dep, College of Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Raichur-584 102. E-Mail. yasminkazi86gmail). Morphometric analysis of milli watershed of Raichur district using GIS technique . Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 92-6. 024247 ZHAI Y, ZHU C, CHEN L, HOU M (College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Hohai Univ, Nanjing-210 098, E-Mail. 332155763qq). Comparative study on different simulation models of flue-cured tobacco LAI variation under salinity condition . Res Crop 2014, 15(1), 248-53. 024248 ZHAO L, WANG Z, MI G, YUAN L, GU R (Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing-100 101, China, E-Mail. rilianggucau. edu. cn). Comparative genome analysis of cytokinin biosynthesis genes (IPTS) reveals conserved orthologs cross poaceae crops . Res Crop 2014, 15(1), 38-48. 024249 ARUNA R T, SAROJANI J K, BHARATI P, UMA S H (Food and Nutrition Dep, College of Rural Home Science, Agricultural Sciences Univ, Dharwad-580 005, E-Mail. aruna. timmapurgmail). Impact of education intervention on knowledge regarding iodine deficiency disorder . Karnataka J agric Sci 2013, 26(1), 124-7. 024250 GUPTA B, DUBEY R P (Foods and Nutrition Dep, Ethelind School of Home Science, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture Technology and Sciences, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, E-Mail. 08bbhavnaguptagmail). Sensory attributes and nutritional value of the products prepared from lotus stem flour . Adv Life Sci 2013, 2(2), 58-60. 024251 MULE P R, BARBIND R P, KORAKE R L, GAVIT D P ( Animal Husbandry amp Dairy Science Dep, College of Agriculture, Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, Maharashtra-431 402, E-Mail. ravijikorakegmail). 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